


该工作正式发布于,2022年7月30日,第一届中国计算机学会芯片大会(CCF Chip)暨openDACS v2.0-EDA开源论坛。

若有任何意见或建议,欢迎通过issues或邮件(dochejj@tju.edu.cn, hc_ma@tju.edu.cn, jinyier@gmail.com)与我们联系。

  • 2022.06.28 v1.0 首次开源,更新中文教程,提供AES-128基准电路。

特定测试激励,AES-128基准电路的 (1) 静态磁场分布图 (2) 动态磁场分布图


  • 操作系统:Linux or Windows

  • EDA软件:VCS, Calibre xRC, PrimeTime PX, HSpice

  • 依赖项:Python 3.8+ with PIP

# install only available packages in `requirements.txt` using Conda
FOR /F "delims=~" %f in (requirements.txt) DO conda install --yes "%f"
# hspicefile provides a simple function to read hspice binary output files
pip install hspicefile  
# CuPy is a NumPy/SciPy-compatible array library for GPU-accelerated computing with Python
pip install cupy-cuda111  # 需指定正确CUDA版本





文件名称 数据格式 功能作用
版图后门级网表 Verilog HDL 描述物理实现后的电路功能
标准版图数据 GDSII 描述版图的几何图形、拓扑关系、结构、层次及其信息
设计交换格式 DEF 描述电路布局布线后单元及互连线的具体物理信息
标准时序约束 SDC 约束电路的时序、功耗和面积等设计要求
标准延时格式 SDF 描述布局布线后单元及互连线的延时数据
标准寄生交换格式 SPEF 描述布局布线后电路的电阻、电容及电感等寄生参数




将金属互连网络等效为寄生网络模型。以Calibre xRC为例,通过电气规则检查(Layout Versus Schematic, LVS)后,采用门级提取方式获得物理版图的寄生参数信息,输出详细标准寄生格式(Detailed Standard Parasitic Format, DSPF)的寄生参数文件,详见src/Data Preparation/rcx文件夹。

generate_lvs_rule.py 创建Hcell、Xcell文件和LVS BOX命令语句,Hcell文件指定用于门级提取的单元列表,Xcell文件定义视作理想器件的单元列表,其内部不再经历寄生参数提取。PEX规则文件添加LVS BOX命令语句,将上述单元以黑盒形式处理,同时手动禁用电路使用的器件类型。

optional arguments:
  [ --help ]                       see help
  [ --def_path ]                   Path to the def file, should end in .def
  [ --hcell_path ]                 Path to the output hcell file
  [ --xcell_path ]                 Path to the output xcell file
  [ --lvs_rule_path ]              Path to the output lvs_rule file



动态门级仿真旨在获得逻辑单元的翻转活动。以Synopsys VCS工具为例,仿真过程将SDF文件反标到版图后门级网表,在特定测试激励条件下,记录单元翻转活动并输出值变转储(Value Change Dump, VCD)文件,详见src/Data Preparation/sim/postsim文件夹。

process_vcd_file.py 按测试激励顺序切割tb_main.vcd文件并输出到vcd_files文件夹,作为单元功耗分析的输入。

optional arguments:
  [ --help ]                       see help
  [ --vcd_init_path ]              Path to the init vcd file, should end in .vcd
  [ --vcd_final_path ]             Path to the output vcd file
  [ --header_path ]                Path to the header vcd file
  [ --start_time_point ]           Start time point for power analysis, timescale 1ns/1ps
  [ --num_plaintexts ]             Amount of the required plaintexts
  [ --desired_time_interval ]      Desired time slice for power analysis, timescale 1ns/1ps
  [ --off_time_interval ]          Time interval between two-times power analysis, timescale 1ns/1ps

generate_ptpx_tcl.py 基于ptpx.tcl模板文件创建对应测试激励顺序的ptpx_files文件夹,作为单元功耗分析的输入。

optional arguments:
  [ --help ]                       see help
  [ --ptpx_tcl_path ]              Path to the template ptpx file, should end in .tcl
  [ --output_tcl_path ]            Path to the output ptpx file, should end in ptpx
  [ --start_time_point ]           Start time point for power analysis, timescale 1ns/1ns
  [ --num_plaintexts ]             Amount of the required plaintexts
  [ --desired_time_interval ]      Desired time slice for power analysis, timescale 1ns/1ns
  [ --ptpx_run_path ]              Path to the run folder of ptpx
  • 预先定义ptpx.tcl中输入数据的文件路径。
  • 预先定义ptpx.tcl的波形精度,参考-set_power_analysis_options -waveform_interval命令。

单元功耗分析旨在获得逻辑单元的实时功耗。以Synopsys PrimeTime PX工具为例,导入设计数据和工艺库信息,包括版图后门级网表、Liberty库文件、SDC文件、SPEF文件和VCD文件,选择瞬态仿真模式在逻辑单元的输出状态发生变化时计算其瞬态功耗,详见src/Data Preparation/ptpx文件夹。


logic_cell_modeling.pylogic_cell_to_current_source.py 处理单元级电流源和寄生网络模型,提取物理版图DEF文件和DSPF文件的位置映射关系,将单元级电流源插入到寄生网络模型的内部节点。

optional arguments:
  [ --help ]                       see help
  [ --top_cell ]                   Top cell in the design
  [ --parasitic_netlist_path ]     Path to the parasitic info file, should end in .dspf
  [ --def_path ]                   Path to the def file, should end in .def
  [ --power_report_path ]          Path to the power report file, should end in .out
  [ --num_plaintexts ]             Number of the required plaintexts
  [ --start_time_point ]           Start time point in the initial power report
  [ --desired_time_interval ]      Desired time interval to use, timescale 1ns/1ns
  [ --desired_time_scale ]         Desired time scale used in power analysis
  [ --power_report_init_path ]     Path to the init power report file, should end in vcd_
  [ --power_supply_voltage ]       Supply voltage for logic cells
optional arguments:
  [ --help ]                       see help
  [ --lc_currents_path ]           Path to the simulated logic cell currents
  [ --cell_name_path ]             Path to the Reorder cell name from dspf file
  [ --power_port ]                 VDD and VSS port in physical layout
  [ --mark_net ]                   Start and break net in the .dspf file, should end in a blank
  [ --netlist_path ]               path to the parasitic netlist, should end in .dspf
  [ --desired_time_scale ]         Desired time scale used in power analysis

Prep_For_Sim.py 融合了寄生网络模型、单元级电流源和独立电压源,构成了描述芯片拓扑结构和电气行为的Spice仿真模型。对该模型的仿真旨在获得顶层金属层内电源网格的瞬态电流分布。


optional arguments:
  [ --help ]                       see help
  [ --parasitic_netlist ]          Path to the parasitic netlist, should end in .dspf
  [ --metal_layers ]               Target metal layers
  [ --power_port ]                 VDD and VSS port in physical layout
  [ --template_file ]              Path to the default sp template file
  [ --output_file ]                Path to write the final sp to
  • 预先定义template.txt模板文件的诸多仿真设置。


tr_to_h5.py 将Spice仿真结果final.tr系列文件转化为h5格式的last_binary_run.h5文件,作为电磁计算的输入。

optional arguments:
  [ --help ]                       see help
  [ --num_plaintexts ]             Number of required plaintexts
  [ --spice_result_path ]          Path to result files from Spice simulation
  [ --metal_layers ]               Target metal layers
  [ --output_file ]                Path to final currents across metal wires

Compute_EM_formulation.py 采用毕奥-萨伐尔定律计算特定观测点或观测面的芯片磁场分布情况。

optional arguments:
  [ --help ]                       see help
  [ --metal_layers ]               Target metal layers
  [ --transient_file ]             Path to the transient analysis file, should be in csv form
  [ --use_gpu ]                    Allow for gpu acceleration
  [ --num_input_stimuli ]          Number of required plaintexts for em computation
  [ --clock_period_ns ]            Amount of sample points per input stimuli
  [ --start_time_ns ]              Start time point in simulation per input stimuli
  [ --end_time_ns ]                End time point in simulation per input stimuli
  [ --target_area_x ]              Target simulated area in x axial direction
  [ --target_area_y ]              Target simulated area in y axial direction
  [ --num_probe_x_tiles ]          Number of point grid in x axial direction
  [ --num_probe_y_tiles ]          Number of point grid in y axial direction
  [ --num_probe_z_tiles ]          Number of point grid in z axial direction
  [ --layout_max_z ]               Target simulated distance in z axial direction, option value = true value x 2
  [ --num_horizontal_tiles_per_wire ]  Number of horizontal tiles per metal wire
  [ --num_vertical_tiles_per_wire ]    Number of vertical tiles per metal wire
  [ --ns_per_sample ]              Simulated value of time scale per sample point
  [ --output ]                     Path to write the output
  [ --layout_min_x ]               Reference coordinate in x axial direction
  [ --layout_min_y ]               Reference coordinate in y axial direction


Name Affiliation email
Haocheng Ma Tianjin University hc_ma@tju.edu.cn
Yier Jin University of Florida jinyier@gmail.com
Max Panoff University of Florida m.panoff@ufl.edu
Jiaji He Tianjin University dochejj@tju.edu.cn
Ya Gao Tianjin University gaoyaya@tju.edu.cn


It is mainly intended for non-commercial use, such as academic research.


MIT License, see license in LICENSE.

90.3 MB