title={OneFlow: Redesign the Distributed Deep Learning Framework from Scratch},
author={Jinhui Yuan and Xinqi Li and Cheng Cheng and Juncheng Liu and Ran Guo and Shenghang Cai and Chi Yao and Fei Yang and Xiaodong Yi and Chuan Wu and Haoran Zhang and Jie Zhao},
Install OneFlow
System Requirements
Python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9
(Highly recommended) Upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip #--user
CUDA Toolkit Linux x86_64 Driver
CUDA runtime is statically linked into OneFlow. OneFlow will work on a minimum supported driver, and any driver beyond. For more information, please refer to CUDA compatibility documentation.
Please upgrade your Nvidia driver to version 440.33 or above and install OneFlow for CUDA 10.2 if possible.
Install with Pip Package
To install latest stable release of OneFlow with CUDA support:
OneFlow is a performance-centered and open-source deep learning framework.
Latest News
OneFlow: Redesign the Distributed Deep Learning Framework from Scratch
Bibtex Citation
Install OneFlow
System Requirements
Python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9
(Highly recommended) Upgrade pip
CUDA Toolkit Linux x86_64 Driver
CUDA runtime is statically linked into OneFlow. OneFlow will work on a minimum supported driver, and any driver beyond. For more information, please refer to CUDA compatibility documentation.
Please upgrade your Nvidia driver to version 440.33 or above and install OneFlow for CUDA 10.2 if possible.
Install with Pip Package
To install latest stable release of OneFlow with CUDA support:
To install nightly release of OneFlow with CUDA support:
To install other available builds for different variants:
:If you are in China, you could run this to have pip download packages from domestic mirror of pypi:
For more information on this, please refer to pypi 镜像使用帮助
Use docker image
Build from Source
Clone Source Code
Option 1: Clone source code from GitHub
Option 2: Download from Aliyun
If you are in China, please download OneFlow source code from: https://oneflow-public.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/oneflow-src.zip
Build OneFlow
Option 1: Build with Conda (recommended)
Please refer to this repo
Option 2: Build in docker container (recommended)
Pull a docker image:
All images available : https://hub.docker.com/u/oneflowinc
In the root directory of OneFlow source code, run:
This should produce
files in the directorywheelhouse
If you are in China, you might need to add these flags:
You can choose CUDA/Python versions of wheel by adding:
For more useful flags, plese run the script with flag
or refer to the source code of the script.Option 3: Build on bare metal
Install dependencies
In the root directory of OneFlow source code, run:
Config the project, inside
directory:If you are in China
run this to config for CUDA:
run this to config for CPU-only:
If you are not in China
run this to config for CUDA:
run this to config for CPU-only:
Build the project, inside
directory, run:Add oneflow to your PYTHONPATH, inside
directory, run:Please note that this change is not permanent.
Simple validation
Please refer to troubleshooting for common issues you might encounter when compiling and running OneFlow.
Advanced features
Getting Started
Model Zoo and Benchmark
GitHub issues: any install, bug, feature issues.
www.oneflow.org: brand related information.
The Team
OneFlow was originally developed by OneFlow Inc and Zhejiang Lab.
Apache License 2.0