PythonQt is a dynamic Python ( binding for Qt (
It offers an easy way to embed the Python scripting language into
your Qt applications. It makes heavy use of the QMetaObject system and thus requires Qt4.x.
Licensing of PythonQt
PythonQt is distributed under the LGPL 2.1 license.
Licensing of Generator
The build system of PythonQt makes use of a patched version of the LGPL’ed QtScript generator, located in the “generator” directory.
See the LICENSE.LGPL file in the generator subdirectory for details.
Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies)
The generated wrappers are pre-generated and checked-in for Qt 4.6.1, so you only need to build and run the
generator when you want to build additional wrappers or you want to upgrade/downgrade to another Qt version, but this requires updating the typesystems as well.
该项目是我使用的 PythonQt ,我(寂静的羽夏)对该库进行了修改,使得 Python 脚本中含有中文时,它不会乱码。
本项目不支持任何形式的 issue 和 PR ,建议反馈给上游仓库,本仓库仅仅作为备份和遵守协议的成果。
PythonQt is a dynamic Python ( binding for Qt ( It offers an easy way to embed the Python scripting language into your Qt applications. It makes heavy use of the QMetaObject system and thus requires Qt4.x.
Licensing of PythonQt
PythonQt is distributed under the LGPL 2.1 license.
Licensing of Generator
The build system of PythonQt makes use of a patched version of the LGPL’ed QtScript generator, located in the “generator” directory.
See the LICENSE.LGPL file in the generator subdirectory for details. Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies)
See for the original project. The PythonQt wrappers generated by the generator are distributed under the LGPL as well.
The generated wrappers are pre-generated and checked-in for Qt 4.6.1, so you only need to build and run the generator when you want to build additional wrappers or you want to upgrade/downgrade to another Qt version, but this requires updating the typesystems as well.
More documentation is available at: