

Artifact package for our paper “How do Developers Talk about GHA?”. This repository includes our data and scripts.


  1. Data collection (2018.10.1-2022.10.31)
    • SO data, i.e., posts, from the official SO data dump
    • GitHub data, i.e., issues, using the GitHub Search API
  2. Data for manual classification: SO post and GitHub issue
    • This data includes:
      • 6,590 SO questions (Q_S) with 2,471 accepted SO answers (A_S)
      • 315 GitHub issues (Q_G) with 217 closed GitHub issues (A_G)
    • The results of manual classification can be found in all_post_issue_category.csv
    • Data structure: (id, type, phase, category)
      • id: the number used in this paper. “P1” and “I1” represent the first SO post and the first GitHub issue in our dataset, respectively.
      • type: “github issue” or “so post”
      • phase: phase of a post or an issue
      • category: category of a post or an issue
  3. Data for characteristics analysis
    • The data for characteristics analysis can be found in so_post_popularity.csv and so_post_difficulty.csv
    • Popularity metrics include:
      • avgView, the average number of views for all the questions of a category;
      • avgFav, the average number of favorites for all the questions of a category;
      • avgScore, the average score for all the questions of a categpru;
      • avgAns, the average number of answers for all the questions of a category.
    • Difficulty metrics include:
      - ansRate, the percentage of questions of a category with at least one answer;
      - acceptRate, the percentage of questions of a category that have accepted answers;
      - timeFA, the median time needed for questions of a category to receive the first answers, in hours;
      - timeAA, the median time needed for questions of a category to receive the accepted answers, in hours;
      - textSize, the average number of description characters for questions of a category.
  4. The accepted answer examples and detailed discussion of each solution strategy can be found in solution_strategies.md


We seek to analyze the characteristics of the identified problem categories in terms of popularity and difficulty.

  • Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient cor.R


  • Figure 1: The trend of GHA discussed on Stack Overflow
  • Figure 2: The taxonomy of GHA problems


  • Table 1: Popularity of GHA problem categories
  • Table 2: Difficulty of GHA problem categories
  • Table 3: Correlation between Popularity and Difficulty of GHA problem categories
  • Table 4: Difficulty of GHA problem categories (GitHub issues)


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