📖 Introduction
1. Based on tinypng
2. Inspired by github@sudongyuer/easy-tinypng-cli
📦 Installation
pnpm add tiny-compress-images
yarn add tiny-compress-images
npm install tiny-compress-images
🦄 Usage
"tinifyCompress": {
"key": "", //The key requested from tinypng.com
"filePath": "", //default = 'src'
"output2md": false, //Whether to output a `tiny.result.md` to show the compression result
"cache": false //Whether to output a `tiny.cache.json` to show the compression result
compress --help
Usage: compress [options]
-p, --project Work for a project with package.json
-t, --terminal Work in any folder without package.json
-h, --help display help for command
npx compress
The source code is very simple and can be modified by yourself
📖 Introduction
📦 Installation
🦄 Usage
The source code is very simple and can be modified by yourself