
📖 Introduction

1. Based on tinypng
2. Inspired by github@sudongyuer/easy-tinypng-cli

📦 Installation

pnpm add tiny-compress-images -g

yarn add tiny-compress-images -g

npm install tiny-compress-images -g

🦄 Usage

The images are compressed and replaced in place
If you need to backup images, you can set the backupPath property to save the backup images to the configured directory

  "tinifyCompress": {
    "key": "",            /** The key requested from tinypng.com                                    **/
    "backupPath": "",     /** beta (The path for backup images)                                     **/
    "filePath": "",       /** default = 'src'                                                       **/
    "output2md": false,   /** Whether to output a `tiny.result.md` to show the compression result   **/
    "cache": false,       /** Whether to output a `tiny.cache.json` to show the compression result  **/
    "sync": false,        /** sync compress                                                         **/
    "syncCount": 5,       /** when sync === true                                                    **/
compress --help

Usage: compress [options] [command]

-p, --project         Work for a project with package.json
-t, --terminal        Work in any folder without package.json
-h, --help            display help for command

set <apikey> <alias>  set apikey
  list                  apikey list
  do                    compress
  help [command]        display help for command
npx compress do  ||  compress do

The source code is very simple and can be modified by yourself


基于tinify的压缩工具 源地址 https://github.com/seemrcola/tiny-compress

148.0 KB
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