SPU (Secure Processing Unit) aims to be a provable, measurable secure computation device, which provides computation ability while keep your private data protected.
Project status
Currently, we mainly focus on the provable security. It contains a secure runtime that evaluates XLA-like tensor operations, which use MPC as the underline evaluation engine to protect privacy information.
# build as debug
bazel build //... -c dbg
# build as release
bazel build //... -c opt
# test
bazel test //...
# [optional] build & test with ASAN or UBSAN, for macOS users please use configs with macOS prefix
bazel test //... --config=[macos-]asan
bazel test //... --config=[macos-]ubsan
Build docs
# prerequisite
pip install -U sphinx
cd docs & make html # html docs will be in docs/_build/html
How can I use SPU?
SPU could be treated as a programmable device, it’s not designed to be used directly. Normally we use secretflow framework, which use SPU as the underline secure computing device.
SPU python pakcage also contains a simple distributed module to demo SPU usage, but it’s NOT designed for production due to system security and performace concerns, please DO NOT use it directly in production.
SPU: Secure Processing Unit
SPU (Secure Processing Unit) aims to be a
secure computation device, which provides computation ability while keep your private data protected.Project status
Currently, we mainly focus on the
security. It contains a secure runtime that evaluates XLA-like tensor operations, which use MPC as the underline evaluation engine to protect privacy information.Contents
Build & UnitTest
Build docs
SPU could be treated as a programmable device, it’s not designed to be used directly. Normally we use secretflow framework, which use SPU as the underline secure computing device.
SPU python pakcage also contains a simple distributed module to demo SPU usage, but it’s NOT designed for production due to system security and performace concerns, please DO NOT use it directly in production.
We thank the significant contributions made by Alibaba Gemini Lab.