use trapframe::{UserContext, GeneralRegs};
fn kernel_thread() {
// initialize trap handling
unsafe {
// construct a user space context, set registers
let mut context = UserContext {
general: GeneralRegs {
rip: 0x1000,
rsp: 0x10000,
// go to user space with the context;
// come back from user space, maybe syscall or trap
println!("back from user: {:#x?}", context);
// check the context and handle the trap
match context.trap_num {
0x3 => println!("breakpoint"),
0xd => println!("general protection fault"),
0x100 => println!("syscall: id={}", context.general.rax),
Handle kernel trap
use trapframe::TrapFrame;
#[no_mangle] // export a function 'trap_handler'
extern "sysv64" fn trap_handler(tf: &mut TrapFrame) {
match tf.trap_num {
0x3 => {
println!("TRAP: Breakpoint"); += 1;
_ => panic!("TRAP: {:#x?}", tf),
Handle Trap Frame across kernel and user space on multiple ISAs.
Supported ISA: x86_64, aarch64, riscv32, riscv64, mipsel
Go to user space
Handle kernel trap
More examples
Control flow on x86_64: