Ferris consists of two concrete hierarchical timer wheels. Each has multiple inner wheels with
different resolutions to provide a large time range with minimal memory use.
There is an allocating
wheel that allocates each
timer on the heap and a copying
wheel that doesn’t. Which one
you use is simply a matter of preference and benchmarking in your specific application.
Start and Stop are O(1) operations. Expiry is O(n) on the number of elements in the slot.
A hierarchical timer wheel in Rust, with no_std support.
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Ferris consists of two concrete hierarchical timer wheels. Each has multiple inner wheels with different resolutions to provide a large time range with minimal memory use.
There is an allocating wheel that allocates each timer on the heap and a copying wheel that doesn’t. Which one you use is simply a matter of preference and benchmarking in your specific application.
Start and Stop are O(1) operations. Expiry is O(n) on the number of elements in the slot.