
RADAR: Towards Automatic Source Code Repository Information Recovery and Validation for PyPI Packages

Environment Setup

# Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.19.0-41-generic x86_64)
# install pyenv from https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv#installation
pyenv install 3.11.3
pyenv virtualenv 3.11.3 radar
pyenv activate radar
pip install -r requirements.txt
# e.g., /data/pypi_data
export DATA_HOME=<Folder to Store Data>

Folder Structure

  • baseline_analysis.ipynb: Code for RQ1 results for Metadata-based Retriever evaluation.
  • dist_diff_analysis.ipynb and dist_file_analysis.ipynb: Code for why use the source distribution.
  • phantom_file_analysis.ipynb: Code for RQ2 results.
  • validator_analysis.ipynb: Code for Source Code Repository Validator evaluation.
  • retriever_analysis.ipynb: Code for Source Code-based Retriever evaluation.

Run Scripts

  1. Dump PyPI package metadata

    python -u pypi_crawler.py --folder=$DATA_HOME --email=<Your Email> --processes <numOfProcessess> --chunk <numofDataPerChunk>
  2. Import metadata to MongoDB. We provide the dump in the mongodb folder (release_metadata.bson.gz and distribution_file_info.bson.gz).

    python -u import_to_mongo.py --base_folder $DATA_HOME --metadata --distribution --drop
  3. Obtain baseline results. We provide a MongoDB dump in the mongodb folder (baseline_results.bson.gz)

    python -m dataset.run_baselines --baseline ossgadget
    python -m dataset.run_baselines --baseline warehouse
    python -m dataset.run_baselines --baseline librariesio
    # caution: running py2src requires very heavy http requests and is very slow
    python -m dataset.run_baselines --baseline py2src --n_jobs <numOfProcessess> --chunk_size <numofDataPerChunk>
    # dump baseline results to MongoDB
    python -m dataset.run_baselines --dump

    You can also obtain results of a single release by passing --name and --version arguments:

    python -m dataset.run_baselines --baseline librariesio --name tensorflow --version 2.9.0
  4. Obtain MetadataRetriever results. Since MetadataRetriever still need to search webpages, to reduce http requests as many as possible, we run it by stages.

    1. The 1st stage: use --all option to search repository urls from the home_page``, download_url, project_urls, and description` field in the metadata.

      python -m dataset.run_metadata_retriever --all
    2. The 2nd stage: use --left_release option to get all repository urls in the unique homepage and documentation webpage in the left releases whose metadata does not have repository url.

      python -m dataset.run_metadata_retriever --left_release --n_jobs <numOfProcessess> --chunk_size <numofDataPerChunk>
    3. The 3rd stage: use --process_log option to process failed urls in the 3nd stage.

      python -m dataset.run_metadata_retriever --process_log --n_jobs <numOfProcessess> --chunk_size <numofDataPerChunk> 2>log/metadata_retriever.log.2
    4. The 4th stage: use --merge option to merge retrived repository url for each webpage in the 3rd stage to MetadataRetriever results:

      python -m dataset.run_metadata_retriever --merge
    5. The 5th stage: use--redirect option to get the redirected url of each repository urls retrived by MetadataRetriever:

      python -m dataset.run_metadata_retriever --redirect --n_jobs <numOfProcessess> --chunk_size <numofDataPerChunk> 2>log/metadata_retriever.log

    You can also obtain results of a single release by passing --name and --version arguments. There are some options:

    • --webpage: search the webpage pointed by the Homepage and Documentation links in the metadata
    • --redirect: get the redirected url of the retrieved repository url
    python -m dataset.run_metadata_retriever --name tensorflow --version 2.10.0
  5. List repositories’s blobs based on metadata retriever results:

    # Clone repositories to local
    python -m dataset.clone_repository --base_folder $DATA_HOME --processes <numOfProcessess> --chunk_size <numofDataPerChunk>
    # List repositories's blobs
    python -m dataset.list_blobs --base_folder $DATA_HOME --processes <numOfProcessess> --chunk_size <numofDataPerChunk>
  6. Compare the difference between source distributions and binary distributions

    python -m dataset.dist_diff --base_folder $DATA_HOME --all --processes <numOfProcessess> --chunk_size <numofDataPerChunk> [ --mirror <PyPI mirror site> ]
  7. construct dataset:

    # collect Python repositories on GitHub with more than 100 stars.
    python -m dataset.ground_truth --repository
    # collect packages in these GitHub repositories
    python -m dataset.ground_truth --package --n_jobs <numOfProcessess> --chunk_size <numofDataPerChunk>
    # collect PyPI package's PyPI maintainer
    python -m dataset.ground_truth --maintainer --n_jobs <numOfProcessess> --chunk_size <numofDataPerChunk>
    # construct ground truth dataset for validator
    python -m dataset.ground_truth --dataset
    # download source distributions for releases in the ground truth dataset, you can specify a PyPI mirror site to accelerate the downloading.
    python -m dataset.ground_truth --download --dest $DATA_HOME --n_jobs <numOfProcessess> --chunk_size <numofDataPerChunk> [ --mirror <PyPI mirror site> ]
    # Get Phantom files in matched and mismatched releases.
    python -m dataset.run_validator --base_folder $DATA_HOME --n_jobs <numOfProcessess> --chunk_size <numofDataPerChunk> --phantom_file
    # Get validator features for matched and mismatched releases.
    python -m dataset.run_validator --base_folder $DATA_HOME --n_jobs <numOfProcessess> --features
    # Download the source distributions for the latest release of all PyPI packages
    python -m dataset.run_validator --base_folder $DATA_HOME --n_jobs <numOfProcessess> --pypi [ --mirror <PyPI mirror site> ]
    # Get validator features for all PyPI releases.
    python -m dataset.run_validator --base_folder $DATA_HOME --n_jobs <numOfProcessess> --pypi_features
    # Get files shas for correct links
    python -m dataset.run_retriever --base_folder $DATA_HOME --n_jobs <numOfProcessess> --fileshas
    # Get candidates from WoC
    python -m dataset.run_retriever --base_folder $DATA_HOME --n_jobs <numOfProcessess> --candidates [ --mirror <PyPI mirror site> ]
    # Get topn candidates
    python -m dataset.run_retriever --base_folder $DATA_HOME --most_common
    # Get upstream forks
    python -m dataset.run_retriever --base_folder $DATA_HOME --chunk_size <numofDataPerChunk> --defork
    # Get final returned repository
    python -m dataset.run_retriever --base_folder $DATA_HOME --final
    # Retrieve for releasess for which the Metadata-based Retreiver can not retrieve repository information
    python -m dataset.run_retriever --base_folder $DATA_HOME --n_jobs <numOfProcessess> --download_remaining [ --mirror <PyPI mirror site> ]
    python -m dataset.run_retriever --base_folder $DATA_HOME --n_jobs <numOfProcessess> --candidate_remaining [ --mirror <PyPI mirror site> ]
    python -m dataset.run_retriever --base_folder $DATA_HOME --chunk_size <numofDataPerChunk> --most_common_remaining --defork_remaining --final_remaining
  8. fit machine learning models on validator features:

    # run Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, Random Forest, AdaBoost, Gradient Boosting, SVM, XGBoost
    python -m models.fit_model --all --n_jobs <numOfProcessess>

