Distributed under the LGPL License. See LICENSE for more information.
OceanBase Connector/C was ported from MariaDB Connector/C with some OceanBase protocol support and improvement. Thanks to the MariaDB for opening up such a great Database Connector implementation.
Oceanbase Client for C
OceanBase Client for C is a driver used to connect applications developed in C to OceanBase Database Server.
Server Compatibility
OceanBase Client for C is compatible with all OceanBase Database Server versions.
C Compatibility
OceanBase Client for C is developed based on gcc 4.8.5, please confirm your gcc version.
Obtaining the driver
For users who upgrade from version prior to 2.0.0. You can use the build.sh script to compile it all by yourself.
For more information about this project, please refer to:
Distributed under the LGPL License. See
for more information.Acknowledgement
OceanBase Connector/C was ported from MariaDB Connector/C with some OceanBase protocol support and improvement. Thanks to the MariaDB for opening up such a great Database Connector implementation.