
Oceanbase Connector/ODBC Driver

OceanBase Connector/ODBC Driver is a driver used to connect applications developed in C to OceanBase Database Server.


Server Compatibility

OceanBase Connector/ODBC Driver is compatible with all OceanBase Database Server versions.

C Compatibility

OceanBase Connector/ODBC Driver is developed based on gcc 4.8.5, please confirm your gcc version.

Obtaining the driver

For users who upgrade from version prior to 2.0.0. You can use the run_make.sh script to compile it all by yourself.


For more information about this project, please refer to:

Distributed under the LGPL License. See LICENSE for more information.


OceanBase Connector/ODBC Driver was ported from MariaDB Connector/ODBC with some OceanBase protocol support and improvement. Thanks to the MariaDB for opening up such a great Database Connector implementation.
