🚦 Trouble
A pretty list for showing diagnostics, references, telescope results, quickfix and location lists to help you solve all the trouble your code is causing.

✨ Features
- Diagnostics
- LSP references
- LSP implementations
- LSP definitions
- LSP type definitions
- LSP Document Symbols
- LSP Incoming/Outgoing calls
- quickfix list
- location list
- Telescope search results
- fzf-lua results
📰 What’s new?
This is a full rewrite of the original trouble.nvim.
The new version is much more flexible and powerful,
with a lot of new features and improvements:
- multiple trouble windows at the same time
- LSP document symbols
- LSP incoming/outgoing calls
- lots of options to configure trouble windows (floats or splits)
option to focus the trouble window when opened (or not)
option to follow the item under the cursor
option to pin the buffer as the source for the opened trouble window
- full tree views of anything
- highly configurable views with custom formatters, filters, and sorters
- show multiple sections in the same view
- multi-line messages
- prettier and configurable indent guides
- tree view that follows the natural hierarchy of the items (like document symbols, or file structure)
- expansive API and
- trouble
to define custom views
- statusline component (useful with document symbols)
⚡️ Requirements
- Neovim >= 0.9.2
- Neovim >= 0.10.0 OR the
and markdown_inline
nvim-treesitter parsers
- Properly configured Neovim LSP client
- nvim-web-devicons is optional to enable file icons
- a theme with properly configured highlight groups for Neovim Diagnostics
- a patched font for the default severity and fold icons
📦 Installation
Install the plugin with your preferred package manager:
opts = {}, -- for default options, refer to the configuration section for custom setup.
cmd = "Trouble",
keys = {
"<cmd>Trouble diagnostics toggle<cr>",
desc = "Diagnostics (Trouble)",
"<cmd>Trouble diagnostics toggle filter.buf=0<cr>",
desc = "Buffer Diagnostics (Trouble)",
"<cmd>Trouble symbols toggle focus=false<cr>",
desc = "Symbols (Trouble)",
"<cmd>Trouble lsp toggle focus=false win.position=right<cr>",
desc = "LSP Definitions / references / ... (Trouble)",
"<cmd>Trouble loclist toggle<cr>",
desc = "Location List (Trouble)",
"<cmd>Trouble qflist toggle<cr>",
desc = "Quickfix List (Trouble)",
⚙️ Configuration
Trouble is highly configurable. Please refer to the default settings below.
Default Settings
---@class trouble.Mode: trouble.Config,trouble.Section.spec
---@field desc? string
---@field sections? string[]
---@class trouble.Config
---@field mode? string
---@field config? fun(opts:trouble.Config)
---@field formatters? table<string,trouble.Formatter> custom formatters
---@field filters? table<string, trouble.FilterFn> custom filters
---@field sorters? table<string, trouble.SorterFn> custom sorters
local defaults = {
auto_close = false, -- auto close when there are no items
auto_open = false, -- auto open when there are items
auto_preview = true, -- automatically open preview when on an item
auto_refresh = true, -- auto refresh when open
auto_jump = false, -- auto jump to the item when there's only one
focus = false, -- Focus the window when opened
restore = true, -- restores the last location in the list when opening
follow = true, -- Follow the current item
indent_guides = true, -- show indent guides
max_items = 200, -- limit number of items that can be displayed per section
multiline = true, -- render multi-line messages
pinned = false, -- When pinned, the opened trouble window will be bound to the current buffer
warn_no_results = true, -- show a warning when there are no results
open_no_results = false, -- open the trouble window when there are no results
---@type trouble.Window.opts
win = {}, -- window options for the results window. Can be a split or a floating window.
-- Window options for the preview window. Can be a split, floating window,
-- or `main` to show the preview in the main editor window.
---@type trouble.Window.opts
preview = {
type = "main",
-- when a buffer is not yet loaded, the preview window will be created
-- in a scratch buffer with only syntax highlighting enabled.
-- Set to false, if you want the preview to always be a real loaded buffer.
scratch = true,
-- Throttle/Debounce settings. Should usually not be changed.
---@type table<string, number|{ms:number, debounce?:boolean}>
throttle = {
refresh = 20, -- fetches new data when needed
update = 10, -- updates the window
render = 10, -- renders the window
follow = 100, -- follows the current item
preview = { ms = 100, debounce = true }, -- shows the preview for the current item
-- Key mappings can be set to the name of a builtin action,
-- or you can define your own custom action.
---@type table<string, trouble.Action.spec|false>
keys = {
["?"] = "help",
r = "refresh",
R = "toggle_refresh",
q = "close",
o = "jump_close",
["<esc>"] = "cancel",
["<cr>"] = "jump",
["<2-leftmouse>"] = "jump",
["<c-s>"] = "jump_split",
["<c-v>"] = "jump_vsplit",
-- go down to next item (accepts count)
-- j = "next",
["}"] = "next",
["]]"] = "next",
-- go up to prev item (accepts count)
-- k = "prev",
["{"] = "prev",
["[["] = "prev",
dd = "delete",
d = { action = "delete", mode = "v" },
i = "inspect",
p = "preview",
P = "toggle_preview",
zo = "fold_open",
zO = "fold_open_recursive",
zc = "fold_close",
zC = "fold_close_recursive",
za = "fold_toggle",
zA = "fold_toggle_recursive",
zm = "fold_more",
zM = "fold_close_all",
zr = "fold_reduce",
zR = "fold_open_all",
zx = "fold_update",
zX = "fold_update_all",
zn = "fold_disable",
zN = "fold_enable",
zi = "fold_toggle_enable",
gb = { -- example of a custom action that toggles the active view filter
action = function(view)
view:filter({ buf = 0 }, { toggle = true })
desc = "Toggle Current Buffer Filter",
s = { -- example of a custom action that toggles the severity
action = function(view)
local f = view:get_filter("severity")
local severity = ((f and f.filter.severity or 0) + 1) % 5
view:filter({ severity = severity }, {
id = "severity",
template = "{hl:Title}Filter:{hl} {severity}",
del = severity == 0,
desc = "Toggle Severity Filter",
---@type table<string, trouble.Mode>
modes = {
-- sources define their own modes, which you can use directly,
-- or override like in the example below
lsp_references = {
-- some modes are configurable, see the source code for more details
params = {
include_declaration = true,
-- The LSP base mode for:
-- * lsp_definitions, lsp_references, lsp_implementations
-- * lsp_type_definitions, lsp_declarations, lsp_command
lsp_base = {
params = {
-- don't include the current location in the results
include_current = false,
-- more advanced example that extends the lsp_document_symbols
symbols = {
desc = "document symbols",
mode = "lsp_document_symbols",
focus = false,
win = { position = "right" },
filter = {
-- remove Package since luals uses it for control flow structures
["not"] = { ft = "lua", kind = "Package" },
any = {
-- all symbol kinds for help / markdown files
ft = { "help", "markdown" },
-- default set of symbol kinds
kind = {
-- stylua: ignore
icons = {
---@type trouble.Indent.symbols
indent = {
top = "│ ",
middle = "├╴",
last = "└╴",
-- last = "-╴",
-- last = "╰╴", -- rounded
fold_open = " ",
fold_closed = " ",
ws = " ",
folder_closed = " ",
folder_open = " ",
kinds = {
Array = " ",
Boolean = " ",
Class = " ",
Constant = " ",
Constructor = " ",
Enum = " ",
EnumMember = " ",
Event = " ",
Field = " ",
File = " ",
Function = " ",
Interface = " ",
Key = " ",
Method = " ",
Module = " ",
Namespace = " ",
Null = " ",
Number = " ",
Object = " ",
Operator = " ",
Package = " ",
Property = " ",
String = " ",
Struct = " ",
TypeParameter = " ",
Variable = " ",
Make sure to check the Examples!
🚀 Usage
The Trouble command is a wrapper around the Trouble API.
It can do anything the regular API can do.
Trouble [mode] [action] [options]
Some examples:
- Toggle diagnostics for the current buffer and stay in the current window:
Trouble diagnostics toggle focus=false filter.buf=0
- Show document symbols on the right of the current window.
Keep the document symbols in sync with the buffer you started the command in.
Trouble symbols toggle pinned=true win.relative=win win.position=right
- You can use lua code in the options for the
The examples below all do the same thing.
Trouble diagnostics filter.severity=vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR
Trouble diagnostics filter.severity = vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR
Trouble diagnostics filter = { severity=vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR }
- Merging of nested options, with or without quoting strings:
Trouble diagnostics win.type = split win.position=right
Trouble diagnostics win = { type = split, position=right}
Trouble diagnostics win = { type = "split", position='right'}
Please refer to the API section for more information on the available actions and options.
- diagnostics: diagnostics
- fzf: FzfLua results previously opened with
- fzf_files: FzfLua results previously opened with
- loclist: Location List
- lsp: LSP definitions, references, implementations, type definitions, and declarations
- lsp_command: command
- lsp_declarations: declarations
- lsp_definitions: definitions
- lsp_document_symbols: document symbols
- lsp_implementations: implementations
- lsp_incoming_calls: Incoming Calls
- lsp_outgoing_calls: Outgoing Calls
- lsp_references: references
- lsp_type_definitions: type definitions
- qflist: Quickfix List
- quickfix: Quickfix List
- snacks: Snacks results previously opened with
- snacks_files: Snacks results previously opened with
- symbols: document symbols
- telescope: Telescope results previously opened with
- telescope_files: Telescope results previously opened with
Please refer to the filter docs for more information examples on filters.
You can use the following functions in your keybindings:
-- Opens trouble with the given mode.
-- If a view is already open with the same mode,
-- it will be focused unless `opts.focus = false`.
-- When a view is already open and `opts.new = true`,
-- a new view will be created.
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new?: boolean, refresh?: boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View?
-- Closes the last open view matching the filter.
---@param opts? trouble.Mode|string
---@return trouble.View?
-- Toggle the view with the given mode.
---@param opts? trouble.Mode|string
---@return trouble.View?
-- Returns true if there is an open view matching the mode.
---@param opts? trouble.Mode|string
-- Refresh all open views. Normally this is done automatically,
-- unless you disabled auto refresh.
---@param opts? trouble.Mode|string
-- Get all items from the active view for a given mode.
---@param opts? trouble.Mode|string
-- Renders a trouble list as a statusline component.
-- Check the docs for examples.
---@param opts? trouble.Mode|string|{hl_group?:string}
---@return {get: (fun():string), has: (fun():boolean)}
-- Closes the preview and goes to the main window.
-- The Trouble window is not closed.
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View
-- Open the preview
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View
-- filter
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View
-- Go to the first item
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View
-- Focus the trouble window
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View
-- Fold close
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View
-- fold close all
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View
-- Fold close recursive
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View
-- fold disable
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View
-- fold enable
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View
-- fold more
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View
-- Fold open
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View
-- fold open all
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View
-- Fold open recursive
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View
-- fold reduce
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View
-- Fold toggle
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View
-- fold toggle enable
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View
-- Fold toggle recursive
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View
-- fold update
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View
-- fold update all
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View
-- Show the help
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View
-- Dump the item to the console
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View
-- Jump to the item if on an item, otherwise fold the node
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View
-- Jump to the item and close the trouble window
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View
-- Jump to the item if on an item, otherwise do nothing
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View
-- Open the item in a split
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View
-- Open the item in a split and close the trouble window
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View
-- Open the item in a vsplit
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View
-- Open the item in a vsplit and close the trouble window
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View
-- Go to the last item
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View
-- Go to the next item
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View
-- Go to the previous item
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View
-- Open the preview
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View
-- Refresh the trouble source
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View
-- Toggle the preview
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View
-- Toggle the auto refresh
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View
You can easily open any search results in Trouble, by defining a custom action:
local actions = require("telescope.actions")
local open_with_trouble = require("trouble.sources.telescope").open
-- Use this to add more results without clearing the trouble list
local add_to_trouble = require("trouble.sources.telescope").add
local telescope = require("telescope")
defaults = {
mappings = {
i = { ["<c-t>"] = open_with_trouble },
n = { ["<c-t>"] = open_with_trouble },
When you open telescope, you can now hit <c-t>
to open the results in Trouble
You can easily open any search results in Trouble, by defining a custom action:
local config = require("fzf-lua.config")
local actions = require("trouble.sources.fzf").actions
config.defaults.actions.files["ctrl-t"] = actions.open
When you open fzf-lua, you can now hit <c-t>
to open the results in Trouble
Statusline Component
Example for lualine.nvim:
opts = function(_, opts)
local trouble = require("trouble")
local symbols = trouble.statusline({
mode = "lsp_document_symbols",
groups = {},
title = false,
filter = { range = true },
format = "{kind_icon}{symbol.name:Normal}",
-- The following line is needed to fix the background color
-- Set it to the lualine section you want to use
hl_group = "lualine_c_normal",
table.insert(opts.sections.lualine_c, {
cond = symbols.has,
🎨 Colors
The table below shows all the highlight groups defined for Trouble.
Highlight Groups
Highlight Group |
Default Group |
Description |
TroubleBasename |
TroubleFilename |
TroubleCode |
Special |
TroubleCount |
TabLineSel |
TroubleDirectory |
Directory |
TroubleFilename |
Directory |
TroubleIconArray |
@punctuation.bracket |
TroubleIconBoolean |
@boolean |
TroubleIconClass |
@type |
TroubleIconConstant |
@constant |
TroubleIconConstructor |
@constructor |
TroubleIconDirectory |
Special |
TroubleIconEnum |
@lsp.type.enum |
TroubleIconEnumMember |
@lsp.type.enumMember |
TroubleIconEvent |
Special |
TroubleIconField |
@variable.member |
TroubleIconFile |
Normal |
TroubleIconFunction |
@function |
TroubleIconInterface |
@lsp.type.interface |
TroubleIconKey |
@lsp.type.keyword |
TroubleIconMethod |
@function.method |
TroubleIconModule |
@module |
TroubleIconNamespace |
@module |
TroubleIconNull |
@constant.builtin |
TroubleIconNumber |
@number |
TroubleIconObject |
@constant |
TroubleIconOperator |
@operator |
TroubleIconPackage |
@module |
TroubleIconProperty |
@property |
TroubleIconString |
@string |
TroubleIconStruct |
@lsp.type.struct |
TroubleIconTypeParameter |
@lsp.type.typeParameter |
TroubleIconVariable |
@variable |
TroubleIndent |
LineNr |
TroubleIndentFoldClosed |
CursorLineNr |
TroubleIndentFoldOpen |
TroubleIndent |
TroubleIndentLast |
TroubleIndent |
TroubleIndentMiddle |
TroubleIndent |
TroubleIndentTop |
TroubleIndent |
TroubleIndentWs |
TroubleIndent |
TroubleNormal |
NormalFloat |
TroubleNormalNC |
NormalFloat |
TroublePos |
LineNr |
TroublePreview |
Visual |
TroubleSource |
Comment |
TroubleText |
Normal |
🚦 Trouble
A pretty list for showing diagnostics, references, telescope results, quickfix and location lists to help you solve all the trouble your code is causing.
✨ Features
📰 What’s new?
This is a full rewrite of the original trouble.nvim.
The new version is much more flexible and powerful, with a lot of new features and improvements:
option to focus the trouble window when opened (or not)follow
option to follow the item under the cursorpinned
option to pin the buffer as the source for the opened trouble windowTrouble
to define custom views⚡️ Requirements
nvim-treesitter parsers📦 Installation
Install the plugin with your preferred package manager:
⚙️ Configuration
Trouble is highly configurable. Please refer to the default settings below.
Default Settings
Make sure to check the Examples!
🚀 Usage
The Trouble command is a wrapper around the Trouble API. It can do anything the regular API can do.
Trouble [mode] [action] [options]
Some examples:
Trouble diagnostics toggle focus=false filter.buf=0
Trouble symbols toggle pinned=true win.relative=win win.position=right
command. The examples below all do the same thing.Trouble diagnostics filter.severity=vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR
Trouble diagnostics filter.severity = vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR
Trouble diagnostics filter = { severity=vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR }
Trouble diagnostics win.type = split win.position=right
Trouble diagnostics win = { type = split, position=right}
Trouble diagnostics win = { type = "split", position='right'}
Please refer to the API section for more information on the available actions and options.
Please refer to the filter docs for more information examples on filters.
You can use the following functions in your keybindings:
You can easily open any search results in Trouble, by defining a custom action:
When you open telescope, you can now hit
to open the results in Troublefzf-lua
You can easily open any search results in Trouble, by defining a custom action:
When you open fzf-lua, you can now hit
to open the results in TroubleStatusline Component
Example for lualine.nvim:
🎨 Colors
The table below shows all the highlight groups defined for Trouble.
Highlight Groups