MSPSim is a Java-based instruction level emulator of the MSP430 series
microprocessor and emulation of some sensor networking
platforms. Supports loading of IHEX and ELF firmware files, and has
some tools for monitoring stack, setting breakpoints, and profiling.
System requirements
You need a recent Java to run MSPSim. Java 11 or newer is recommended.
The current version of MSPSim also requires ant for compiling.
Building MSPSim
You will build MSPSim by typing
Running examples
Run the default example on the ESB node emulator by typing:
ant runesb
(here you can pass the PIR with the mouse and click on the
user button to get reaction from the example application).
Run the default example on the Sky node emulator by typing:
ant runsky
(this is a leds-blinker only and does not react to any mouse
movements or button clicks).
Main Features
Instruction level emulation of MSP430 microprocessor
Supports loading of ELF and IHEX files
Easy to add external components that emulates external HW
Supports monitoring of registers, adding breakpoints, etc.
Built-in profiling of executed code
Statistics for various components modes (on/off, LPM modes, etc).
Emulates some external hardware such as TR1001 and CC2420.
Command Line Interface, CLI, for setting up breakpoints and output
to files or windows.
GDB remote debugging support (initial)
What is emulated of the MSP430
CPU (instruction level simulation)
Timer A/B subsystem
Digital I/O
Multiplication unit
Basic A/D subsystem (not complete)
Limitations of the emulation (some of them) on version 0.9x
Currently, the emulator runs as if it can use all memory as RAM
(e.g. flash writes, etc not supported)
MSPSim version 0.9x
MSPSim is a Java-based instruction level emulator of the MSP430 series microprocessor and emulation of some sensor networking platforms. Supports loading of IHEX and ELF firmware files, and has some tools for monitoring stack, setting breakpoints, and profiling.
System requirements
You need a recent Java to run MSPSim. Java 11 or newer is recommended. The current version of MSPSim also requires ant for compiling.
Building MSPSim
You will build MSPSim by typing
Running examples
Run the default example on the ESB node emulator by typing:
(here you can pass the PIR with the mouse and click on the user button to get reaction from the example application).
Run the default example on the Sky node emulator by typing:
(this is a leds-blinker only and does not react to any mouse movements or button clicks).
Main Features
Limitations of the emulation (some of them) on version 0.9x