FaultFuzz is a tool designed for fault injection testing for distributed systems. Leveraging Fuzzing techniques, FaultFuzz enables systematic fault injection testing at the I/O point granularity of the target distributed system.
Quick start
We have prepared a Zookeeper cluster based on Docker and completed most of the
configuration and preparation tasks. Users can
quickly experience FaultFuzz through this cluster.
To quickly experience FaultFuzz with the Zookeeper cluster, please see the document Quick-start.
For more information on the design of FaultFuzz, please refer to the following papers:
Coverage Guided Fault Injection for Cloud Systems (ICSE 2023)
FaultFuzz: Coverage Guided Fault Injection for Distributed Systems (Under Submission)
New features
We extend our previous work CrashFuzz in several aspects, and support more features in FaultFuzz.
First, FaultFuzz can support more fault types, i.e., network disconnection and
reconnection. and users can flexibly specify the concerned fault types.
Second, FaultFuzz can support multiple workloads to drive the test, which can
facilitate fault scenario space exploration and bug discovery.
Third, FaultFuzz can also support manual annotation of the target distributed
system to indicate which application-level I/O points are interesting and should
be tracked by FaultFuzz. In this way, FaultFuzz can be easily applied to a new
distributed system.
Finally, FaultFuzz can control more non-determinism among the collected events
during system testing. Therefore, we can more faithfully reproduce fault
sequences during system testing.
To get more detailed information about new features, please see our paper and the document New features.
Project structrue
FaultFuzz comprises several sub-projects, including:
A Java command-line program (FaultFuzz-inst) for collecting runtime information of the target system (Observer)
A Java command-line program (FaultFuzz-ctrl) for controlling the testing process (Controller)
A Spring Boot server program (FaultFuzz-backend) and an AppSmith web application (FaultFuzz-FrontEnd), which provide a visual interface for the control program.
A set of test workloads (FaultFuzz-workloads) used in our previous paper experiments.
The FaultFuzz-FrontEnd is maintained as a standalone project, and we have deployed it on
AppSmith cloud.
Users also have the option to independently deploy the frontend using our published frontend repository.
How dose FaultFuzz work
After the preparation of the test environment, FFaultFuzz operates in four primary stages.
Firstly, FaultFuzz runs the target system once without injecting any faults.
During this run, it captures all the system’s I/O points. The resulting sequence
of I/O points reflects the system’s operational history, which is considered the
initial fault sequence.
Next, FaultFuzz mutates this I/O sequence. Specifically, it selects an I/O point
and injects a new fault into it. This process generates fault sequences that
depict the system’s traversal of I/O points before encountering the injected
fault at the selected point. FaultFuzz’s mutation process is systematic, which
means it produces all potential fault sequences at this stage.
Subsequently, FaultFuzz employs its built-in strategies to select the next fault
sequence that can most effectively test the system’s new behaviors. The
specifics of these selection strategies can be found in the paper.
Finally, FaultFuzz proceeds to conduct the next round of fault sequence testing
based on the chosen fault sequence. It controls the system’s behavior, injecting
faults when the system reaches the I/O points choosen for faults.
During this fault-injected testing phase, FaultFuzz monitors the system for new
behaviors, and subsequently repeats the processes of fault sequence generation,
mutation, selection, and testing. The testing process of FaultFuzz persists
until it has exhausted all untested fault sequences. Users can also specify the
total testing time to give a stop condition of the testing process.
How to use?
Users need to follow the steps below to use FaultFuzz:
Step 1: Install FaultFuzz and start FaultFuzz server.
git clone https://github.com/fwhdzh/FaultFuzz.git
cd faultfuzz
mvn clean install
cd faultfuzz-backend
mvn spring-boot:run
User can update faultfuzz-backend/src/main/resources/application.properties to specify the port that the server runs on.
Then the user can access the test server via the FaultFuzz frontend.
After entering the test server’s address, the user can click the “check
connection” button to confirm that the backend is running and the frontend
can uccessfully establishes a connection with the backend.
We have provided deploy FaultFuzz frontend as a website on AppSmith
Users can also deploy the frontend website on their own computer using our accessible frontend repository.
Step 2: (Optional) Preparation of user-defined I/O points.
FaultFuzz allows users to annotate the I/O points within the target system for
testing purposes, providing both annotation-based marking and API-based marking
To annotate the I/O points, users first need to integrate a dependency on
FaultFuzz-inst into their project. If the target system is based on Maven
structure, they can add the following dependency to the pom.xml file:
For other systems, users can reference the dependency by directly specifying the
FaultFuzz-inst.jar path or by employing other suitable methods.
If a user intends to specify a line within the system as an I/O point, they can
utilize the API WaitToExec.triggerAndRecordFaultPoint(String path) for
annotation. In this context, the path parameter serves as additional
information employed by FaultFuzz to identify the I/O point, typically set to
the file path or message content.
Here’s an example:
String filePath = "/data/fengwenhan/data/faultfuzz_bt/1.txt";
File file = new File(filePath);
if (!file.exists()) {
FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(file);
outputStream.write(54); // ASCII for 6
FaultFuzz will consider the 6th line in the example above as an I/O point.
If a user intends to specify a function in the system as an I/O function (with all function calls within the system identified as I/O points), they can simply add the @Inject annotation to the desired function.
Here’s an example:
public class SocketCilent {
public void startConnection(String ip, int port) throws IOException {
System.out.println("Client begin connect");
clientSocket = new Socket(ip, port);
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
SocketCilent client = new SocketCilent();
client.startConnection("", 12001);
In this scenario, since the function startConnection has been annotated with @Inject, the call to startConnection on the second line of the main function will be recognized as an I/O point.
To enable FaultFuzz to process these annotations, users must either select App-level network I/O points in the configuration page of the FaultFuzz frontEnd website or set useInjectAnnotation=true in the FaultFuzz configuration file for the system under test (SUT).
Step 3: Configure FaultFuzz and SUT.
We provide a “Configuration” web page in FaultFuzz frontend for users to specify
the configurations used to test a target distributed system. The configurations
can be divided into four categories, i.e., “Workloads & bug checker”, “Faults &
fault injection points”, “Observer” and “Test controller”.
After entering the above configuration information, users can click the
Generate configuration files button to generate and download two
configuration files, named FaultFuzz-backend-configuration.properties and
FaultFuzz-SUT-configuration.sh. If you are interesting in the meaning of each configuration item in these
configuration files, please refer to our configuration documentation.
The file FaultFuzz-backend-configuration.properties should be uploaded to the
backend of FaultFuzz. The FaultFuzz-ctrl-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar will use
FaultFuzz-backend-configuration.properties as an input argument.
The FaultFuzz-SUT-configuration.sh should be copied to each node in SUT.
Besides, Users need to intergrate the FaultFuzz-SUT-configuration.sh file items
to the launching script of their SUT. If they want to use JRE-level I/O points,
they also need to make the target system run in an instrumented JRE in the
launching script. For instance, in Zookeeper, users can modify the part of
zkEnv.sh file as bellow (FAV_OPTS and PHOS_OPTS are environment variables
provided in FaultFuzz-SUT-configuration.sh).
We have provided the instrumented JRE in our artifact package. Users can
also instrument a JRE by themselves with the command java -jar FaultFuzz-inst-0.0.5-SNAPSHOT.jar -forJava <jre\_path> <output\_path>.
Step 4: Start the testing and observe the results.
After finishing configuration, users can go to the Test and result page, enter
the path of FaultFuzz test controller jar file and the path of the configuration
file. When a user clicks the Start test button, FaultFuzz will automatically
perform fault injection testing for SUT. Users can also pause, resume or stop
the test by clicking the corresponding buttons.
FaultFuzz displays quantitative statistics of the runtime test results at the
bottom of the web page, including the elapsed testing time, the total number of
detected bugs, the total number of tested fault sequences, the total number of
covered basic code blocks and so on. If the user wants to further observe one
specific bug, she can check the detailed bug reports. The user can also try to
replay a bug by entering the file path of the fault sequence that triggers the
bug and clicking the Start replay button.
What is FaultFuzz
FaultFuzz is a tool designed for fault injection testing for distributed systems. Leveraging Fuzzing techniques, FaultFuzz enables systematic fault injection testing at the I/O point granularity of the target distributed system.
Quick start
We have prepared a Zookeeper cluster based on Docker and completed most of the configuration and preparation tasks. Users can quickly experience FaultFuzz through this cluster.
To quickly experience FaultFuzz with the Zookeeper cluster, please see the document Quick-start.
For more information on the design of FaultFuzz, please refer to the following papers:
New features
We extend our previous work CrashFuzz in several aspects, and support more features in FaultFuzz.
First, FaultFuzz can support more fault types, i.e., network disconnection and reconnection. and users can flexibly specify the concerned fault types.
Second, FaultFuzz can support multiple workloads to drive the test, which can facilitate fault scenario space exploration and bug discovery.
Third, FaultFuzz can also support manual annotation of the target distributed system to indicate which application-level I/O points are interesting and should be tracked by FaultFuzz. In this way, FaultFuzz can be easily applied to a new distributed system.
Finally, FaultFuzz can control more non-determinism among the collected events during system testing. Therefore, we can more faithfully reproduce fault sequences during system testing.
To get more detailed information about new features, please see our paper and the document New features.
Project structrue
FaultFuzz comprises several sub-projects, including:
The FaultFuzz-FrontEnd is maintained as a standalone project, and we have deployed it on AppSmith cloud. Users also have the option to independently deploy the frontend using our published frontend repository.
How dose FaultFuzz work
After the preparation of the test environment, FFaultFuzz operates in four primary stages.
Firstly, FaultFuzz runs the target system once without injecting any faults. During this run, it captures all the system’s I/O points. The resulting sequence of I/O points reflects the system’s operational history, which is considered the initial fault sequence.
Next, FaultFuzz mutates this I/O sequence. Specifically, it selects an I/O point and injects a new fault into it. This process generates fault sequences that depict the system’s traversal of I/O points before encountering the injected fault at the selected point. FaultFuzz’s mutation process is systematic, which means it produces all potential fault sequences at this stage.
Subsequently, FaultFuzz employs its built-in strategies to select the next fault sequence that can most effectively test the system’s new behaviors. The specifics of these selection strategies can be found in the paper.
Finally, FaultFuzz proceeds to conduct the next round of fault sequence testing based on the chosen fault sequence. It controls the system’s behavior, injecting faults when the system reaches the I/O points choosen for faults.
During this fault-injected testing phase, FaultFuzz monitors the system for new behaviors, and subsequently repeats the processes of fault sequence generation, mutation, selection, and testing. The testing process of FaultFuzz persists until it has exhausted all untested fault sequences. Users can also specify the total testing time to give a stop condition of the testing process.
How to use?
Users need to follow the steps below to use FaultFuzz:
Step 1: Install FaultFuzz and start FaultFuzz server.
User can update
to specify the port that the server runs on.Then the user can access the test server via the FaultFuzz frontend. After entering the test server’s address, the user can click the “check connection” button to confirm that the backend is running and the frontend can uccessfully establishes a connection with the backend.
We have provided deploy FaultFuzz frontend as a website on AppSmith cloud. Users can also deploy the frontend website on their own computer using our accessible frontend repository.
Step 2: (Optional) Preparation of user-defined I/O points.
FaultFuzz allows users to annotate the I/O points within the target system for testing purposes, providing both annotation-based marking and API-based marking functionalities.
To annotate the I/O points, users first need to integrate a dependency on FaultFuzz-inst into their project. If the target system is based on Maven structure, they can add the following dependency to the pom.xml file:
For other systems, users can reference the dependency by directly specifying the FaultFuzz-inst.jar path or by employing other suitable methods.
If a user intends to specify a line within the system as an I/O point, they can utilize the API
WaitToExec.triggerAndRecordFaultPoint(String path)
for annotation. In this context, thepath
parameter serves as additional information employed by FaultFuzz to identify the I/O point, typically set to the file path or message content.Here’s an example:
FaultFuzz will consider the 6th line in the example above as an I/O point.
If a user intends to specify a function in the system as an I/O function (with all function calls within the system identified as I/O points), they can simply add the @Inject annotation to the desired function.
Here’s an example:
In this scenario, since the function
has been annotated with @Inject, the call to startConnection on the second line of the main function will be recognized as an I/O point.To enable FaultFuzz to process these annotations, users must either select
App-level network I/O points
in the configuration page of the FaultFuzz frontEnd website or setuseInjectAnnotation=true
in the FaultFuzz configuration file for the system under test (SUT).Step 3: Configure FaultFuzz and SUT.
We provide a “Configuration” web page in FaultFuzz frontend for users to specify the configurations used to test a target distributed system. The configurations can be divided into four categories, i.e., “Workloads & bug checker”, “Faults & fault injection points”, “Observer” and “Test controller”.
After entering the above configuration information, users can click the
Generate configuration files
button to generate and download two configuration files, named FaultFuzz-backend-configuration.properties and FaultFuzz-SUT-configuration.sh. If you are interesting in the meaning of each configuration item in these configuration files, please refer to our configuration documentation.The file FaultFuzz-backend-configuration.properties should be uploaded to the backend of FaultFuzz. The FaultFuzz-ctrl-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar will use FaultFuzz-backend-configuration.properties as an input argument.
The FaultFuzz-SUT-configuration.sh should be copied to each node in SUT. Besides, Users need to intergrate the FaultFuzz-SUT-configuration.sh file items to the launching script of their SUT. If they want to use JRE-level I/O points, they also need to make the target system run in an instrumented JRE in the launching script. For instance, in Zookeeper, users can modify the part of zkEnv.sh file as bellow (
are environment variables provided in FaultFuzz-SUT-configuration.sh).We have provided the instrumented JRE in our artifact package. Users can also instrument a JRE by themselves with the command
java -jar FaultFuzz-inst-0.0.5-SNAPSHOT.jar -forJava <jre\_path> <output\_path>
.Step 4: Start the testing and observe the results.
After finishing configuration, users can go to the
Test and result
page, enter the path of FaultFuzz test controller jar file and the path of the configuration file. When a user clicks theStart test
button, FaultFuzz will automatically perform fault injection testing for SUT. Users can also pause, resume or stop the test by clicking the corresponding buttons.FaultFuzz displays quantitative statistics of the runtime test results at the bottom of the web page, including the elapsed testing time, the total number of detected bugs, the total number of tested fault sequences, the total number of covered basic code blocks and so on. If the user wants to further observe one specific bug, she can check the detailed bug reports. The user can also try to replay a bug by entering the file path of the fault sequence that triggers the bug and clicking the
Start replay