Spring Batch Job implementation as Spring Cloud Task
Spring Cloud Task is a framework for creating and orchestrating short-lived microservices.
So It’s a good fit for Spring Batch Jobs as the JVM persists until the job is completed and subsequently exits, freeing up resources.
This project is a simple example of how to implement a Spring Batch Job as a Spring Cloud Task.
It implements a hypothetical use case to generate Credit card statements
containing aggregate daily transaction amounts date-wise for a particular month.
Reads Credit card accounts from a MongoDB collection accounts in database account_db and partition on these account numbers for high performance.
Reads transactions from MongoDB collection transactions in database transaction_db using pagination. Aggregates transaction amounts per day.
Processes the date-wise transaction amount and writes the output to MongoDB collection statements in database statement_db.
It is fault-tolerant i.e. try to recover from transient failures and skip bad records.
It supports restartability from last failure point.
Clone this repository, import in your favourite IDE as either Maven or Gradle project.
Requires Java 21, Spring boot 3.2.0+ and Spring batch 5.1.0+.
If you have docker installed, then simply run the application in docker profile by passing spring.profiles.active=docker
as program argument from your IDE.
Depending on your current working directory in IDE, you may need to change spring.docker.compose.file=spring-boot-mongodb-auditing/compose.yml
to spring.docker.compose.file=compose.yml in application-docker.yml
Make sure the host ports mapped in Docker compose file are available or change the ports and
do the respective changes in database configurations application-docker.yml
Explicit MongoDB and Postgres installation
Change to your MongoDB URI in application.yml file as follows.
Make sure flyway is enabled as Spring Batch and Spring Cloud Task needs their schema to be created.
Used internally by the framework to persist and retrieve metadata about the jobs and tasks.
Sample Data
On first run, it creates schema and populates sample data for past three months into MongoDB collections.
For details refer to DataPopulator.
Depending on dataset size to be created the application may take a while to start, the first time. In subsequent runs, it will start quickly.
You can change the number of accounts to be created as follows
// Total number of Credit card accounts to be created
// For each account upto 10 transactions are created for each day of last 3 months
private static final int ACCOUNTS_COUNT = 1000;
// Number of records to be created in a batch
private static final int BATCH_SIZE = 1000;
Job Parameters
Job may take following optional parameters, defaults are taken if not specified.
Refer to StatementJobTask for more details.
cardNumbers - Comma separated list of Credit card numbers to process. If not specified, all accounts are processed.
Example: cardNumbers=5038-1972-4899-4180,5752-0862-5835-3760
month - Month (IST) in ISO format yyyy-MM, for which statement is to be generated. If not specified, last month is taken.
Example: month=2023-11
forceRestart - If set to true, job is restarted even if its last execution with same parameters was successful.
If not specified false is taken as default, in this case if its last execution with same parameters was successful then Job would not execute again.
Example: forceRestart=true
These parameters can be passed as program arguments from your IDE as follows.
Defines a Partitioned Job with a single step as follows.
For details, refer to StatementJobConfiguration.
Reader and Writer are self-explanatory. Processor should contain all business logic and Multiple processors can be chained together using
BeanValidatingItemProcessor is used to validate the input data.
@AutoConfigureAfter(value = {BatchConfiguration.class})
class StatementJobConfiguration extends JobConfigurationSupport<DailyTransaction, Statement> {
Job statementJob(
@Qualifier("statementJobPartitioner") final AccountsPartitioner statementJobPartitioner,
final ItemReader<DailyTransaction> transactionReader,
final ItemProcessor<DailyTransaction, Statement> statementProcessor,
final ItemWriter<Statement> statementWriter)
throws Exception {
return newPartitionedJob(
AccountsPartitioner statementJobPartitioner(
@Qualifier("accountMongoTemplate") final MongoTemplate accountMongoTemplate,
@Value("#{jobParameters['" + AppConstants.JOB_PARAM_NAME_CARD_NUMBERS + "']}")
final List<String> cardNumbers) {
return new AccountsPartitioner(accountMongoTemplate, this.batchProperties, cardNumbers);
MongoAggregationPagingItemReader<DailyTransaction> transactionReader(
@Qualifier("transactionMongoTemplate") final MongoTemplate transactionMongoTemplate,
@Value("#{jobParameters['" + AppConstants.JOB_PARAM_NAME_STATEMENT_MONTH + "']}")
final String month,
@Value("#{stepExecutionContext['" + AppConstants.CARD_NUMBERS_KEY + "']}")
final String cardNumbers) {
final YearMonth statementMonth = YearMonth.parse(month);
List<String> cardNumbersList =
? Arrays.asList(cardNumbers.split(PARTITION_DATA_VALUE_SEPARATOR))
: Collections.emptyList();
OffsetDateTime fromDateTime =
OffsetDateTime tillDateTime =
Criteria condition = null;
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(cardNumbersList)) {
condition =
} else {
condition = Criteria.where("datetime").gte(fromDateTime).lt(tillDateTime);
final AggregationOperation[] aggregationOperations =
new AggregationOperation[] {
project("card_number", "amount", "datetime")
.andExpression("{$toDate: '$datetime'}")
group("card_number", "date").sum("amount").as("amount"),
project("card_number", "date", "amount").andExclude("_id"),
sort(Sort.Direction.ASC, "card_number", "date")
MongoAggregationPagingItemReader<DailyTransaction> itemReader =
new MongoAggregationPagingItemReader<>();
return itemReader;
CompositeItemProcessor<DailyTransaction, Statement> statementProcessor(
final BeanValidatingItemProcessor<DailyTransaction> beanValidatingDailyTransactionProcessor) {
final CompositeItemProcessor<DailyTransaction, Statement> compositeProcessor =
new CompositeItemProcessor<>();
Arrays.asList(beanValidatingDailyTransactionProcessor, new StatementProcessor()));
return compositeProcessor;
BeanValidatingItemProcessor<DailyTransaction> beanValidatingDailyTransactionProcessor(
final LocalValidatorFactoryBean validatorFactory) {
return new BeanValidatingItemProcessor<>(validatorFactory);
// Idempotent upsert
MongoItemWriter<Statement> statementWriter(
@Qualifier("mongoTemplate") final MongoTemplate statementMongoTemplate) {
return MongoItemWriters.<Statement>template(statementMongoTemplate)
(Statement item) ->
MongoIdGenerator.compositeIdGenerator(item.cardNumber(), item.transactionDate()))
Any component needing access to stepExecutionContext must be defined as @StepScope bean
and to access jobParameters or jobExecutionContext must be defined as @JobScope bean
Job Partitioning
If specific cardNumbers are passed as job parameters, then the job is partitioned on these account numbers only.
Otherwise, all accounts are processed in parallel by partitioning on account numbers.
For details refer to AccountsPartitioner.
public class AccountsPartitioner extends AbstractPartitioner {
private final MongoTemplate accountMongoTemplate;
private final List<String> cardNumbers;
@Qualifier("accountMongoTemplate") final MongoTemplate accountMongoTemplate,
final BatchProperties batchProperties,
final List<String> cardNumbers) {
super(batchProperties, AppConstants.CARD_NUMBERS_KEY);
this.accountMongoTemplate = accountMongoTemplate;
this.cardNumbers = cardNumbers;
public List<String> partitioningList() {
final Bson condition =
? in("card_number", this.cardNumbers)
: Filters.empty();
return this.accountMongoTemplate
.projection(fields(excludeId(), include("card_number")))
.map(doc -> doc.getString("card_number"))
.into(new ArrayList<>());
Data Sources configurations
Different databases can be configured for statement_db, account_db and transaction_db or all can be set to same database URI as follows.
Converters and Codecs are registered to support OffsetDateTime and ZonedDateTime types in MongoTemplate.
Refer to MongoDBConfig for details.
uri: <Statement DB URI>
database: statement_db
uri: <Account DB URI>
database: account_db
uri: <Transaction DB URI>
database: transaction_db
Following are the configuration properties to customize default Spring batch behaviour.
batch.chunk-size : Number of items that are processed in a single transaction by a chunk-oriented step, Default: 100.
batch.skip-limit : Maximum number of items to skip as per configured Skip policy, exceeding which fails the job, Default: 10.
batch.max-retries : Maximum number of retry attempts as configured Retry policy, exceeding which fails the job, Default: 3.
batch.backoff-initial-delay : Time duration (in java.time.Duration format) to wait before the first retry attempt is made after a failure, Default: false.
batch.backoff-multiplier : Factor by which the delay between consecutive retries is multiplied, Default: 3.
batch.page-size : Number of records to be read in each page by Paging Item readers, Default: 100.
batch.partition-size : Number of partitions that will be used to process the data concurrently.
Should be optimized as per available machine resources, Default: 8.
batch.trigger-partitioning-threshold : Minimum number of records to trigger partitioning otherwise
it could be counter productive to do partitioning, Default: 100.
batch.task-executor : Bean name of the Task Executor to be used for executing the jobs. By default SyncTaskExecutor is used.
Set to applicationTaskExecutor to use SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor provided by Spring.
Or use any other custom TaskExecutor and set the bean name here. Don’t set this property in Spring cloud task but Spring Rest applications.
batch.run-id-sequence : Run Id database sequence name, Default: run_id_sequence.
It is recommended not to set batch.task-executor to AsyncTaskExecutor as the application may not exit because of that.
Spring cloud task should be executed synchronously.
Spring Batch Job implementation as Spring Cloud Task
Spring Cloud Task is a framework for creating and orchestrating short-lived microservices. So It’s a good fit for Spring Batch Jobs as the JVM persists until the job is completed and subsequently exits, freeing up resources.
This project is a simple example of how to implement a Spring Batch Job as a Spring Cloud Task. It implements a hypothetical use case to generate Credit card statements containing aggregate daily transaction amounts date-wise for a particular month.
in databaseaccount_db
and partition on these account numbers for high performance.transactions
in databasetransaction_db
using pagination. Aggregates transaction amounts per day.statements
in databasestatement_db
Clone this repository, import in your favourite IDE as either Maven or Gradle project. Requires Java 21, Spring boot 3.2.0+ and Spring batch 5.1.0+.
Docker compose
Application is bundled with
Spring boot Docker compose
profile by passingspring.profiles.active=docker
as program argument from your IDE.spring.docker.compose.file=spring-boot-mongodb-auditing/compose.yml
Docker compose file
are available or change the ports and do the respective changes in database configurationsapplication-docker.yml
Explicit MongoDB and Postgres installation
Change to your MongoDB URI in
file as follows.Sample Data
On first run, it creates schema and populates sample data for past three months into MongoDB collections. For details refer to
. Depending on dataset size to be created the application may take a while to start, the first time. In subsequent runs, it will start quickly. You can change the number of accounts to be created as followsJob Parameters
Job may take following optional parameters, defaults are taken if not specified. Refer to
for more details.cardNumbers
- Comma separated list of Credit card numbers to process. If not specified, all accounts are processed. Example:cardNumbers=5038-1972-4899-4180,5752-0862-5835-3760
- Month (IST) in ISO format yyyy-MM, for which statement is to be generated. If not specified, last month is taken. Example:month=2023-11
- If set to true, job is restarted even if its last execution with same parameters was successful. If not specifiedfalse
is taken as default, in this case if its last execution with same parameters was successful then Job would not execute again. Example:forceRestart=true
The application uses
to avail common Spring Batch components, out of box. MavenOr Gradle
Job Configuration
Defines a Partitioned Job with a single step as follows. For details, refer to
. Reader and Writer are self-explanatory. Processor should contain all business logic and Multiple processors can be chained together usingCompositeItemProcessor
is used to validate the input data.Job Partitioning
If specific
are passed as job parameters, then the job is partitioned on these account numbers only. Otherwise, all accounts are processed in parallel by partitioning on account numbers. For details refer toAccountsPartitioner
.Data Sources configurations
Different databases can be configured for
or all can be set to same database URI as follows. Converters and Codecs are registered to supportOffsetDateTime
types inMongoTemplate
. Refer toMongoDBConfig
for details.Configurations
Following are the configuration properties to customize default Spring batch behaviour.
: Number of items that are processed in a single transaction by a chunk-oriented step, Default: 100.batch.skip-limit
: Maximum number of items to skip as per configured Skip policy, exceeding which fails the job, Default: 10.batch.max-retries
: Maximum number of retry attempts as configured Retry policy, exceeding which fails the job, Default: 3.batch.backoff-initial-delay
: Time duration (in java.time.Duration format) to wait before the first retry attempt is made after a failure, Default: false.batch.backoff-multiplier
: Factor by which the delay between consecutive retries is multiplied, Default: 3.batch.page-size
: Number of records to be read in each page by Paging Item readers, Default: 100.batch.partition-size
: Number of partitions that will be used to process the data concurrently. Should be optimized as per available machine resources, Default: 8.batch.trigger-partitioning-threshold
: Minimum number of records to trigger partitioning otherwise it could be counter productive to do partitioning, Default: 100.batch.task-executor
: Bean name of the Task Executor to be used for executing the jobs. By defaultSyncTaskExecutor
is used. Set toapplicationTaskExecutor
to useSimpleAsyncTaskExecutor
provided by Spring. Or use any other customTaskExecutor
and set the bean name here. Don’t set this property in Spring cloud task but Spring Rest applications.batch.run-id-sequence
: Run Id database sequence name, Default:run_id_sequence
Rajveer Singh, In case you find any issues or need any support, please email me at raj14.1984@gmail.com
.Spring Batch Reference
.Spring Cloud Data Flow Reference