
How To Download LSF Community

LSF Community edition version is available for free to IBM community members and may be downloaded by the following steps:

  • Create a free IBM community account
  • Click here
  • Agree to the license
  • Click the tab for download using HTTP
  • Click download now for “IBM Spectrum LSF Suite for Community 10.x Installation Package for Linux x86-64”
  • Copy the file lsfsce10.2.0.6-x86_64.tar.gz to the root of the lsf-workbench repo.

The LSF Installation

This Vagrant setup installs the version of LSF Community edition that the user provides, but expects version LSF clients are installed to head and ood. head is both the batch and the only compute node.

The LSF quick start: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSWRJV_10.1.0/lsf_offering/lsfce10.1_quick_start.html


vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest  # only required once, and is not tied to a particular Vagrant file / directory
git clone https://github.com/MorganRodgers/lsf-workbench.git
cd lsf-workbench


Launch and setup the VMs:

vagrant up  # loads head ood

A proper setup requires that the head VM be brought up first.


Access to OpenOnDemand is via the ood user with password ood.


Once the VM is loaded, the Open OnDemand interface can be accessed at localhost:8080

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