Here are the requirements for the scripts used to judge. Follow the requirements, and refer to the example.
Note: The way of writing compile files in the samples is not necessary, it’s just to test that the compilation process does exist. Just write #!/bin/bash in compile file, and write the run script in the run file in use.
Requirements for all the scripts
stored as a zip file with a file named compile
compile has executing permission
compile creates a file named run with execute permission in the same directory
could not have a file named updated_at
Requirements for build script of any language
First arg: path to the run directory
Following args: build args of the problem
The script isn’t executed at the run directory, remember to output files in the run directory
eg: using build argument -o $1/a.out
The code is placed in the run directory, named code
The build result should be placed in the run directory
The build script is executed by root
The run directory is set to mode 0777
The runnable file generated should be executable by any user
Input & Output:
No input for build scripts
All the output will be stored and be displayed to the submitter, please don’t output any private content
Error output will be written to the same file as normal output
Exit code:
Success: exit with 0
Failed: exit with any non-zero number
Requirements for run script of any language
Only one arg: path to the run directory
The script isn’t executed at the run directory, please use the run directory to indicate paths of build result files
eg: using $1/a.out to indicate executable file in run directory
The run script is executed by root
The run directory is set to mode 0777
The file that will be executed should be executable by any user
Input & Output:
No input for run scripts
Output a run command:
The executing path is the string before the first space
The arguments are split by spaces after the first space
The progress of running this command by run user will be regard as running progress of this run
Error output will be discard
Exit code:
Success: exit with 0
Failed: exit with any non-zero number
Requirements for compare script of any problem
First arg: path to the output file of the user program
Second arg: path to the standard output file
Third arg: run directory
Fourth arg: path to the input file
The compare script is executed by root
The script isn’t executed at the run directory, please use the run directory to indicate paths of other files
eg: using $3/other_file to indicate a file in the run directory
Input & Output:
No input for compare scripts
Must output a unified diff or a string starts with "### "
A golang judge server for EduOJ.
Using Judger.
Here are the requirements for the scripts used to judge.
Follow the requirements, and refer to the example.
Requirements for all the scripts
has executing permissioncompile
creates a file namedrun
with execute permission in the same directoryupdated_at
Requirements for build script of any language
-o $1/a.out
Requirements for run script of any language
to indicate executable file in run directoryroot
Requirements for compare script of any problem
to indicate a file in the run directory"### "