
Kendryte K210 FreeRTOS SDK

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This SDK is for Kendryte K210 which contains FreeRTOS support. If you have any questions, please be free to contact us.

[warning]This project is no longer maintained.Not recommended for product development.


If you want to start a new project, for instance, hello_world, you only need to:

  • Linux and OSX

mkdir your project in src/, cd src && mkdir hello_world, then put your codes in it, and build it.

mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DPROJ=<ProjectName> -DTOOLCHAIN=/opt/riscv-toolchain/bin && make
  • Windows

Download and install latest CMake.

Download cmake-3.14.1-win64-x64.msi

Download and install latest toolchain.

Download kendryte-toolchain-win-i386-8.2.0-20190409.tar.xz

Open a Windows Powershell, cd to Project directory.

mkdir your project in src/, cd src && mkdir hello_world, then put your codes in it, and build it.

$env:Path="E:\kendryte-toolchain\bin;C:\Program Files\CMak
e\bin" +  $env:Path

mkdir build && cd build
cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" ../../../..

You will get 2 key files, hello_world and hello_world.bin.

  1. If you are using JLink to run or debug your program, use hello_world
  2. If you want to flash it in UOG, using hello_world.bin, then using flash-tool(s) burn .bin to your flash.

This is very important, don’t make a mistake in files.

If you don’t like place code inside SDK, see CMakeLists.txt.example.cmake

14.8 MB