Andrioid SDK is android project base dependency. You should download and then config with the following command:
# add this line to your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.profile, the android sdk will work
export ANDROID_SDK=<your sdk path>
# My build environment:
# macOS 14.0
# Android Studio Flamingo | 2022.2.1 Patch 2
# gradle version: 7.5.0
Build iOS
Using CocoaPods
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:
Please try to discuss technical issues ( publicly on github, and do not inquire privately by email. We will not reply one by one.
Self Licence
Copyright (c) 2024 xiaohongshu
Licensed under LGPLv2.1 or later
Dependence Licence
ffmpeg: LGPL v2.1+
soundtouch: LGPL v2.1
libcurl: MIT License
c-ares: MIT License
glide: MIT License
Masonry: MIT License
openssl: Apache License 2.0
PictureSelector: Apache License 2.0
Law And Rule
All rights and explanations belong to Xiaohongshu,you should always ask your lawyer for these stuffs before use it in your product.
About REDPlayer
REDPlayer 是一款由小红书自主研发的跨平台(支持 Android、iOS、HarmonyOS 等平台)播放器。不同于行业其他播放器,REDPlayer 具有结构简单、耦合度低、功能边界清晰等特点,提供了多种接入方式,技术人员可根据需要灵活选择,既可快速集成SDK使用,也可基于源码进行定制开发。
REDPlayer 的宗旨是让开发者可以快速明确地了解播放器的基本构造,并可根据个人需求进行简单扩展,满足不同用户的多样需求,可作为学生学习的基础工具,也可作为企业的商用平台。
REDPlayer 支持点播、直播场景下的多种协议和格式(如 HLS、MP4、FLV 等),并可二次扩展更多协议(如:RTC 等)。每个模块均是解耦的,开发者可以根据需要挂载自定义模块,如自研解码器、渲染器等。
Android Quickstart/ Demo
IOS Quickstart/ Demo
In coming…
Open Content
Build Environment
Install Homebrew & Git
Build Android
Using Android SDK
Andrioid SDK is android project base dependency. You should download and then config with the following command:
Build iOS
Using CocoaPods
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:
Latest Changes
Self Licence
Dependence Licence
Law And Rule
All rights and explanations belong to Xiaohongshu,you should always ask your lawyer for these stuffs before use it in your product.