
Apache HugeGraph-Computer

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The hugegraph-computer is a distributed graph processing system for hugegraph. (Also, the in-memory computing engine(vermeer) is on the way 🚧)

Learn More

The project homepage contains more information about hugegraph-computer.

And here are links of other repositories:

  1. hugegraph (graph’s core component - Graph server + PD + Store)
  2. hugegraph-toolchain (graph tools loader/dashboard/tool/client)
  3. hugegraph-ai (integrated Graph AI/LLM/KG system)
  4. hugegraph-website (doc & website code)


  • If some classes under computer-k8s cannot be found, you need to execute mvn clean install in advance to generate corresponding classes.


  • Welcome to contribute to HugeGraph, please see How to Contribute for more information.
  • Note: It’s recommended to use GitHub Desktop to greatly simplify the PR and commit process.
  • Thank you to all the people who already contributed to HugeGraph!

contributors graph


hugegraph-computer is licensed under Apache 2.0 License.

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Apache HugeGraph 图计算系统

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