
RottenPotatoes demo app: getting started

This app is associated with the free online course and (non-free) ebook Engineering Software as a Service.

To get started:

  1. Setup a Cloud9 environment for the course.

  2. Fork this repo to your GitHub account, then in your Cloud9 terminal, type the following command to clone your fork to your development workspace:

git clone git@github.com:your_github_username/rottenpotatoes-rails-intro.git

  1. Then cd rottenpotatoes-rails-intro to change to the app’s directory.

  2. Run the command bundle install --without production to make sure all the gems (libraries) used by the app are in place.

  3. Run bundle exec rake db:setup to create the initial database.

  4. Run rails server -p $PORT -b $IP to start the app. Cloud9 will pop up a window showing the URL to visit in your browser to interact with the running app.


<p> <span style="color:#414141;font-family:&quot;background-color:#FFFFFF;">http://yangpengyu521.herokuapp.com.</span><span style="color:#414141;font-family:&quot;background-color:#FFFFFF;"></span> </p> <p> <span><span>可以通过访问以上网址查看</span></span> </p>

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