OceanBase Database is a native distributed relational database. It is developed entirely by Ant Group. OceanBase Database is built on a common server cluster. Based on the Paxos protocol and its distributed structure, OceanBase Database provides high availability and linear scalability. OceanBase Database is not dependent on specific hardware architectures.
Core features
Scalable OLTP
Linear scalability by adding nodes to the cluster
Partition-level leader distribution and transparent data shuffling
Optimized performance for distributed transaction through “table group” technology
High concurrency updates on hot row through early lock release (ELR)
80000+ connections per node and unlimited connections in one instance through multi threads and coroutines
Prevent silent data corruption (SDC) through multidimensional data consistency checksum
No.1 in TPC-C benchmark with 707 million tpmC
Operational OLAP
Process analytical tasks in one engine, no need to migrate data to OLAP engine
Analyze large amounts of data on multiple nodes in one OceanBase cluster with MPP architecture
Advanced SQL engine with CBO optimizer, distributed execution scheduler and global index
Fast data loading through parallel DML, and with only 50% storage cost under compression
Broke world record with 15.26 million QphH in TPC-H 30TB benchmark in 2021
Create multiple tenants (instances) in one OceanBase cluster with isolated resource and access
Multidimensional and transparently scale up/out for each tenant, and scaling up takes effect immediately
Database consolidation: multi-tenant and flexible scaling can achieve resource pooling and improve utilization
Improve management efficiency and reduce costs without compromising performance and availability
Your contributions to our code will be highly appreciated. For details about how to contribute to OceanBase, see Contribute to OceanBase.
OceanBase Database is under MulanPubL - 2.0 license. You can freely copy and use the source code. When you modify or distribute the source code, please follow the MulanPubL - 2.0 license.
What is OceanBase Database
OceanBase Database is a native distributed relational database. It is developed entirely by Ant Group. OceanBase Database is built on a common server cluster. Based on the Paxos protocol and its distributed structure, OceanBase Database provides high availability and linear scalability. OceanBase Database is not dependent on specific hardware architectures.
Core features
Quick start
See Quick start to try out OceanBase Database.
System architecture
Link: 4.0.0 function list
Case study
For our success stories, see Success stories.
Your contributions to our code will be highly appreciated. For details about how to contribute to OceanBase, see Contribute to OceanBase.
OceanBase Database is under MulanPubL - 2.0 license. You can freely copy and use the source code. When you modify or distribute the source code, please follow the MulanPubL - 2.0 license.