

A useful set of utilities for interacting with a cloud.


cloud-utils is available in Ubuntu and Debian via the cloud-utils metapackage:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install cloud-utils

Red Hat based distributions offer the cloud-utils package with a subset of binaries and cloud-utils-growpart for growpart.

The package is also available in Alpine and Arch as cloud-utils.


  • cloud-localds - create a disk for cloud-init to utilize the nocloud datasource
  • ec2metadata - query and display AWS EC2 metadata
  • growpart - rewrite partition table so that partition takes up all the space it can
  • mount-image-callback - mount a file to a temporary mount point and then invoke the provided cmd with args
  • resize-part-image - resize a partition image and contained filesystem to a new size
  • ubuntu-cloudimage-query - get the latest Ubuntu AWS AMI meeting certain criteria
  • vcs-run - obtain a repository and execute a command with arguments
  • write-mime-multipart - utilty for creating mime-multipart files, likely for use via user data and cloud-init

Getting help

If you find a bug or issue please report it on the upstream Launchpad project.


Distributed under the GPLv3 License. See LICENSE for more information.
