

This is a copy of the webrev code review tool found in illumos. Like the rest of illumos, it’s licensed under the CDDL.

This version works on OS X and illumos-based systems.


First, make sure all of your changes are committed (more than one commit is okay). Then just run “webrev” from inside your repo. It will figure out what’s changed and generate a directory called “webrev” with an index.html that’s a completely offline code review browser.

For example, here are some changes:

$ git status
# On branch master
# Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit.
nothing to commit (working directory clean)

$ git log -1 --name-only
commit 8f34dc4bb923e62460052d0e895a98f097a0f85b
Author: Dave Pacheco <dap@joyent.com>
Date:   Thu Apr 11 16:54:50 2013 -0700

    sample changes


Now, run webrev:

$ webrev 
WARNING: codereview(1) not found.
WARNING: ps2pdf(1) not found.
   SCM detected: git
 File list from: git-active -p git@github.com:davepacheco/node-jsprim.git ... Done.
      Workspace: /Users/dap/work/node-jsprim/.git (at 8f34dc4bb923e62460052d0e895a98f097a0f85b)
Compare against: git@github.com:davepacheco/node-jsprim.git
      Output to: /Users/dap/work/node-jsprim/webrev
   Output Files:
                 patch cdiffs udiffs wdiffs sdiffs frames old new
 Generating PDF: Skipped: no output available
     index.html: Done.

and open the generated index.html:

$ ls webrev/index.html 

The HTML files in the webrev directory use only relative links, so you can move the directory around wherever you want.

Advanced options

You can use “-p” to specify the parent (upstream) to compare against. This can be a git URL or just a regular git expression, as in “webrev -p HEAD^^^^^”.

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