Writing sql statement with ES6 tagged template strings.
主要特征 Key features
基于 ES 标签模板语法 ES6 tagged template strings based
支持给表名添加前缀 Supports adding prefixes to table names
书写简单 Simple writing
引入 Import
import TaggedSql from 'tagged-sql';
// 或者 or
const TaggedSql = require('tagged-sql');
创建 Create
const sql = TaggedSql`SELECT author FROM books WHERE name = ${book} AND author = ${author}`
链接 Link
const where = TaggedSql`WHERE name = ${book} AND author = ${author}`
const limit = TaggedSql`Limit 10`
const sql1 = TaggedSql`SELECT author FROM books ${where} ${limit}`;
// 或者 or
const sql2 = TaggedSql('SELECT author FROM books', where, limit);
独立的字段及数据表 Independent fields and tables
// 数据表 Sql table name
const bookTable = TaggedSql.Table('books');
// 字段名 Field name
const dateField = TaggedSql.Field('date');
// 字段,同时指定数据表 Field, and specify the data table
const nameField = TaggedSql.Field('name', 'books');
// 字段,同时指定数据表 Field, and specify the data table
const authorField = TaggedSql.Field('author', bookTable);
const bookSql = TaggedSql`SELECT ${dateField} FROM ${bookTable} WHERE ${nameField} = ${'Help Of TaggedSql'} AND ${authorField} = ${'NyLoong'}`;
查询 Query
// postgres:
pg.query(bookSql.toString((_, i) => `${ i + 1 }`), bookSql.values)
// 等价于 is equivalent to
pg.query(`SELECT "date" FROM "books" WHERE "books"."name" = $1 AND "books"."author" = $2`, ['Help Of TaggedSql', 'NyLoong'])
// mysql:
mysql.query(bookSql.toString('?'), bookSql.values)
// 等价于 is equivalent to
mysql.query(`SELECT "date" FROM "books" WHERE "books"."name" = ? AND "books"."author" = ?`, ['Help Of TaggedSql', 'NyLoong'])
查询时添加表格前缀 Query with table prefix
bookSqlWithPrefix.transform((v, t, g) => t !== 'table' || g ? v : `tp_${ v }`)
// postgres:
pg.query(bookSqlWithPrefix.toString((_, i) => `${ i + 1 }`), bookSql.values)
// 等价于 is equivalent to
pg.query(`SELECT "date" FROM "tp_books" WHERE "tp_books"."name" = $1 AND "tp_books"."author" = $2`, ['Help Of TaggedSql', 'NyLoong'])
// mysql:
mysql.query(bookSqlWithPrefix.toString('?'), bookSql.values)
// 等价于 is equivalent to
mysql.query(`SELECT "date" FROM "tp_books" WHERE "tp_books"."name" = ? AND "tp_books"."author" = ?`, ['Help Of TaggedSql', 'NyLoong'])
用 ES 标签模板书写 sql 语句
Writing sql statement with ES6 tagged template strings
标签化SQL TaggedSql
用 ES 标签模板书写 sql 语句。
Writing sql statement with ES6 tagged template strings.
主要特征 Key features
引入 Import
创建 Create
链接 Link
独立的字段及数据表 Independent fields and tables
查询 Query
查询时添加表格前缀 Query with table prefix