Feature Probe is an open source feature management service. This SDK is used to control features in rust programs. This
SDK is designed primarily for use in multi-user systems such as web servers and applications.
Basic Terms
Reading the short Basic Terms will help to understand the code blow more easily. 中文
Try Out Demo Code
We provide a runnable demo code for you to understand how FeatureProbe SDK is used.
Start FeatureProbe Service with docker composer. How to
Download this repo and run the demo program:
git clone https://github.com/FeatureProbe/server-sdk-rust.git
cd server-sdk-rust
cargo run --example demo
Find the Demo code in examples,
do some change and run the program again.
cargo run --example demo
Step-by-Step Guide
In this guide we explain how to use feature toggles in a Rust application using FeatureProbe.
Step 1. Install the Rust SDK
First, install the FeatureProbe SDK as a dependency in your application.
Next, import the FeatureProbe SDK in your application code:
use feature_probe_server_sdk::{FPConfig, FPUser, FeatureProbe};
Step 2. Create a FeatureProbe instance
After you install and import the SDK, create a single, shared instance of the FeatureProbe sdk.
fn main() {
let remote_url = "https://featureprobe.io/server";
// let remote_url = "http://localhost:4007"; // for local docker
let config = FPConfig {
remote_url: remote_url.to_owned(),
server_sdk_key: args.server_sdk_key.to_owned(),
refresh_interval: Duration::from_secs(5),
wait_first_resp: true,
let fp = match FeatureProbe::new(config) {
Ok(fp) => fp,
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("{:?}", e);
Step 3. Use the feature toggle
You can use sdk to check which variation a particular user will receive for a given feature flag.
let user_id = /* unique user id in your business logic */
let user = FPUser::new(user_id).with("name", "bob");
let show_feature = fp.bool_value("bool_toggle", &user, false);
if show_feature {
// application code to show the feature
} else {
// the code to run if the feature is off
Step 4. Unit Testing (Optional)
You could do unit testing for each variation:
let fp = FeatureProbe::new_for_test("toggle_1", Value::Bool(false));
let u = FPUser::new("key");
assert_eq!(fp.bool_value("toggle_1", &u, true), false);
let mut toggles: HashMap<String, Value> = HashMap::new();
toggles.insert("toggle_2".to_owned(), json!(12.5));
toggles.insert("toggle_3".to_owned(), json!("value"));
let fp = FeatureProbe::new_for_tests(toggles);
assert_eq!(fp.number_value("toggle_2", &u, 20.0), 12.5);
assert_eq!(fp.string_value("toggle_3", &u, "val".to_owned()), "value");
We have unified integration tests for all our SDKs. Integration test cases are added as submodules for each SDK repo. So
be sure to pull submodules first to get the latest integration tests before running tests.
git pull --recurse-submodules
cargo test
We are working on continue evolving FeatureProbe core, making it flexible and easier to use.
Development of FeatureProbe happens in the open on GitHub, and we are grateful to the
community for contributing bugfixes and improvements.
for details on our code of conduct, and the process for taking part in improving FeatureProbe.
FeatureProbe Server Side SDK for Rust
Feature Probe is an open source feature management service. This SDK is used to control features in rust programs. This SDK is designed primarily for use in multi-user systems such as web servers and applications.
Basic Terms
Reading the short Basic Terms will help to understand the code blow more easily. 中文
Try Out Demo Code
We provide a runnable demo code for you to understand how FeatureProbe SDK is used.
Step-by-Step Guide
In this guide we explain how to use feature toggles in a Rust application using FeatureProbe.
Step 1. Install the Rust SDK
First, install the FeatureProbe SDK as a dependency in your application.
Next, import the FeatureProbe SDK in your application code:
Step 2. Create a FeatureProbe instance
After you install and import the SDK, create a single, shared instance of the FeatureProbe sdk.
Step 3. Use the feature toggle
You can use sdk to check which variation a particular user will receive for a given feature flag.
Step 4. Unit Testing (Optional)
You could do unit testing for each variation:
Here is an example
Rust Docs
Docs home
Main functions
Testing SDK
We have unified integration tests for all our SDKs. Integration test cases are added as submodules for each SDK repo. So be sure to pull submodules first to get the latest integration tests before running tests.
We are working on continue evolving FeatureProbe core, making it flexible and easier to use. Development of FeatureProbe happens in the open on GitHub, and we are grateful to the community for contributing bugfixes and improvements.
Please read CONTRIBUTING for details on our code of conduct, and the process for taking part in improving FeatureProbe.