

Swift version of yjs.

y-uniffi is a great yjs Swift implementation though, I have created a completely Swift reimplementation of yjs, as y-uniffi dose not yet have a nested Map, UndoManager, etc. implementation.


Now this library is based on yjs and implemented in Swift for a personal use and is not intended to be fully compatible with yjs.


dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/ObuchiYuki/yswift.git", branch: "1.0.0"),


  • Supported collaborative types:
  • Text
    • text insertion
    • embedded elements insertion
    • insertion of formatting attributes
    • observe events and deltas
  • Map
    • insertion, update and removal of primitive JSON-like elements
    • recursive insertion, update and removal of other collaborative elements of any type
    • observe events and deltas
    • deep observe events bubbling up from nested collections
  • Array
    • insertion and removal of primitive JSON-like elements
    • recursive insertion of other collaborative elements of any type
    • observe events and deltas
    • deep observe events bubbling up from nested collections
    • move index positions
  • XML Types (Intentionally not supported)
  • Sub documents
  • Transaction origin
  • Undo/redo manager
  • Encoding formats:
    • lib0 v1 encoding
    • lib0 v2 encoding
  • Transaction events:
    • on event update
    • on after transaction
  • Tests
    • yjs tests
      • doc.tests
      • encoding.tests
      • snapshot.tests
      • undo-redo.tests
      • udpates.tests
      • y-array.tests
      • y-map.tests
      • y-test.tests
    • yswift tests
      • y-array.swift.tests
      • y-map.swift.tests
      • y-object.swift.tests
      • integration.swift.tests



Swift implementation of YArray

final public class YArray<Element: YElement> 
// init with array literal
let intArray: YArray<Int> = [1, 2] 
print(intArray) // [1, 2]
// index access
print(intArray[1]) // 2

// append Element
print(intArray) // [1, 2, 3]

// append Sequence
intArray.append(contentsOf: [4, 5]) 
print(intArray) // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

// range access
print(intArray[2...]) // [3, 4, 5]

// use as Sequence
for i in intArray { 
    print(i) // 1, 2 ...

// YArray with YMap type
let mapArray: YArray<YMap<Int>> = [
    ["Apple": 160]

mapArray.append(["Banana": 240])


Swift implementation of YMap

final public class YMap<Value: YElement> 
// init with dictionary literal
let intMap: YMap<Int> = [
    "Apple": 160

// subscript access
intMap["Banana"] = 240
print(intMap["Apple"]) // 160

// nested map
let arrayMap: YMap<YArray<Int>> [
    "Alice": [12, 24],
    "Bob": [24, 64, 75]


Binding to classes based on YMap

open class YObject: YOpaqueObject
class Person: YObject {
    // Syncronized property
    @Property var name: String = ""
    // nested proeprty
    @WProperty var children: YArray<Person> = []
    required init() {
        self.register(_name, "name")
        self.register(_children, "children")
    convenience init(name: String) {
        self.name = name

let person = Person(name: "Alice")

// can use as Combine Publisher
    .sink{ print("name is \($0)") }.store(in: &bag)

    .sink{ print("children is \($0)") }.store(in: &bag)

// update to property to sync
person.name = "Bob"

// update nested type to sync
person.children.append(Person(name: "Bobson"))

Store a reference to an object.

class Layer: YObject {
    @Property var parent: YReference<Layer>? = nil
    @WProperty var children: YArray<Person> = []
    func addChild(_ child: Layer) {
        // make Reference
        child.parent = YReference(self)

let root = Layer("root")

// copy dosen't change a reference.
let copiedRoot = root.copy()
// fail
assert(copiedRoot.children[0].parent.value === copiedRoot) 

// smart copy changes a reference.
let smartCopiedRoot = root.smartCopy()
// success
assert(smartCopiedRoot.children[0].parent.value === smartCopiedRoot)

YElement is a protocol that is inherited by values that can be YArray, YMap values, and YObject properties.

public protocol YElement {
    /// Make opaque data concrete.
    static func fromOpaque(_ opaque: Any?) -> Self
    /// Make concrete data opaque.
    func toOpaque() -> Any?

You can use YCodable to turn a Codable value into a YElement, or YRawRepresentable to turn an enum into a YElement.

struct Point: YCodable {
    var x: CGFloat
    var y: CGFloat

let array = YArray<Point>()
array.append(Point(x: 1, y: 3))

enum LayerKind: String, YRawRepresentable {
    case rect
    case text
    case path

let map = YMap<LayerKind>()
map["rect"] = .rect
map["text"] = .text

Or you can create a YElement by defining your own encoding and decoding.

enum Delta<T: YElement>: YElement {
    case by(T)
    case to(T)
    public func toOpaque() -> Any? { 
        switch self {
        case .by(let value): return ["by": value.toOpaque()]
        case .to(let value): return ["to": value.toOpaque()]
    public static func fromOpaque(_ opaque: Any?) -> Self {
        let (key, value) = (opaque as! [String: Any?]).first
        if (key == "by") { return .by(T.fromOpaque(value)) }
        if (key == "to") { return .to(T.fromOpaque(value)) }
        fatalError("Unexpected case.")
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