The standard initializer lets you specify the first day of the week, appearance, optional minimum and maximum dates, and the locale, although it provides sensible defaults for all of these.
CalendarPicker has an additional initializer:
init?(coder: NSCoder)
For use in Interface Builder or Storyboards (although we recommend that you build your UI in code).
A calendar picker created this way begins with the default appearance, but you can customize it at runtime by updating its appearance property.
CalendarPicker and CalendarView both have an appearance property of type Appearance.
Appearance lets you customize the picker’s appearance. You have full control over the colors, typographies, and images used. The default appearance is dark mode compatible and WCAG 2.0 AA compliant for color contrast.
/// Appearance for CalendarPicker that contains typography and color properties
public struct Appearance {
/// Appearance for days within current month
public var normalDayAppearance: Day
/// Appearance for days outside current month
public var grayedDayAppearance: Day
/// Appearance for today
public var todayAppearance: Day
/// Appearance for selected day
public var selectedDayAppearance: Day
/// Appearance for disabled day
public var disabledDayAppearance: Day
/// Appearance for booked day
public var bookedDayAppearance: Day
/// Foreground color and typography for weekdays
public var weekdayStyle: (textColor: UIColor, typography: Typography)
/// Image for previous month button
/// Images with template rendering mode will be tinted to `monthForegroundColor`.
public var previousImage: UIImage?
/// Image for next month button
/// Images with template rendering mode will be tinted to `monthForegroundColor`.
public var nextImage: UIImage?
/// Foreground color and typography for month (and year)
public var monthStyle: (textColor: UIColor, typography: Typography)
/// Background color for calendar view
public var backgroundColor: UIColor
The calendar has six different appearances for drawing individual days:
normal: for unselected dates within the current month
grayed: for unselected dates that fall before or after the current month (because we always show 6 rows or 42 days)
today: for today’s date when unselected
selected: for the currently selected date (if any)
booked: for any dates that are already booked. These days are not selectable.
disabled: for any dates before minimumDate or after maximumDate. These days are not selectable.
The appearance of each of these types of days can be customized using the Day structure.
/// Appearance for Date
public struct Day {
/// Typography for day view
public var typography: Typography
/// Foreground color for day view
public var foregroundColor: UIColor
/// Background color for day view
public var backgroundColor: UIColor
/// Border color for day view
public var borderColor: UIColor
/// Border width for day view
public var borderWidth: CGFloat
Usage (UIKit)
How to import?
import YCalendarPicker
Create a calendar picker
// Create calendar picker with default values
let calendarPicker = CalendarPicker()
// add calendar picker to any view
Customize and then update appearance
// Create a calendar picker with the weekday text color set to green
var calendarPicker = CalendarPicker(
appearance: CalendarPicker.Appearance(weekdayStyle: (textColor: .green, typography: .weekday)
// Change the weekday text color to red
calendarPicker.appearance.weekdayStyle.textColor = .red
Update Calendar properties
// set minimum date to yesterday and maximum date to tomorrow
calendarPicker.minimumDate = Date().previousDate()
calendarPicker.maximumDate = Date().nextDate()
// select today's date = Date()
Receive change notifications
To be notified when the date changes, simply use the target-action mechanism exactly as you would for UIDatePicker.
// Add target with action
calendarPicker.addTarget(self, action: #selector(onDateChange), for: .valueChanged)
If you wish to know when the user has switched months (via the previous and next buttons), you can use the picker’s delegate property and conform to the CalendarPickerDelegate protocol.
// Create calendar picker
let calendarPicker = CalendarPicker()
// set the delegate to be notified when the month changes
calendarPicker.delegate = self
// This will notify when the user presses the next/previous buttons
extension DemoViewController: CalendarPickerDelegate {
func calendarPicker(_ calendarPicker: CalendarPicker, didChangeMonthTo date: Date) {
print("New month: \(date)")
Usage (SwiftUI)
Our calendar picker also supports Swift UI!
How to import?
import YCalendarPicker
Create a calendar viewCalendarView conforms to SwiftUI’s View protocol so we can directly integrate CalendarView with any SwiftUI view.
var body: some View {
Customize and then update appearance
struct CustomCalendar {
@State var calendar: CalendarView = {
// Create a calendar picker with the weekday text color set to green
var calendar = CalendarView()
calendar.appearance.weekdayStyle.textColor = .green
return calendar
extension CustomCalendar: View {
public var body: some View {
VStack {
Button("Go Red") {
// Change the weekday text color to red
calendar.appearance.weekdayStyle.textColor = .red
Update Calendar properties
struct CustomCalendar {
@State var calendar = CalendarView()
extension CustomCalendar: View {
var body: some View {
VStack {
Button("Set Min/Max") {
// set minimum date to yesterday and maximum date to tomorrow
calendar.minimumDate = Date().previousDate()
calendar.maximumDate = Date().nextDate()
Button("Select Today") {
// select today's date = Date()
Receive change notifications
To be notified when the user selects a date or changes the month, you can use the delegate property and conform to the CalendarViewDelegate protocol.
extension DemoView: CalendarViewDelegate {
// Date was selected
func calendarViewDidSelectDate(_ date: Date?) {
if let date {
print("Selected: \(date)")
} else {
print("Selection cleared")
// Month was changed
func calendarViewDidChangeMonth(to date: Date) {
print("New month: \(date)")
Y—CalendarPicker depends upon our Y—CoreUI and Y—MatterType frameworks (both also open source and Apache 2.0 licensed).
You can add Y—CalendarPicker to an Xcode project by adding it as a package dependency.
If you’re submitting before and after screenshots, movies, or GIF’s, enter them in a two-column table so that they can be viewed side-by-side.
When merging a pull request:
Make sure the branch is rebased (not merged) off of the latest HEAD from the parent branch. This keeps our git history easy to read and understand.
Make sure the branch is deleted upon merge (should be automatic).
Releasing new versions
Tag the corresponding commit with the new version (e.g. 1.0.5)
Push the local tag to remote
Generating Documentation (via Jazzy)
You can generate your own local set of documentation directly from the source code using the following command from Terminal:
This generates a set of documentation under /docs. The default configuration is set in the default config file .jazzy.yaml file.
To view additional documentation options type:
jazzy --help
A GitHub Action automatically runs each time a commit is pushed to main that runs Jazzy to generate the documentation for our GitHub page at:
An easy-to-use and highly customizable month calendar.
This frameworks provides a month calendar picker with both UIKit and SwiftUI variants.
Y—CalendarPicker is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
Documentation is automatically generated from source code comments and rendered as a static website hosted via GitHub Pages at:
is a subclass ofUIControl
with an api similar toUIDatePicker
is a struct that conforms to the SwiftUIView
can be initialized with the same five parameters (CalendarPicker
internally):The standard initializer lets you specify the first day of the week, appearance, optional minimum and maximum dates, and the locale, although it provides sensible defaults for all of these.
has an additional initializer:For use in Interface Builder or Storyboards (although we recommend that you build your UI in code).
A calendar picker created this way begins with the default appearance, but you can customize it at runtime by updating its
both have anappearance
property of typeAppearance
lets you customize the picker’s appearance. You have full control over the colors, typographies, and images used. The default appearance is dark mode compatible and WCAG 2.0 AA compliant for color contrast.The calendar has six different appearances for drawing individual days:
or aftermaximumDate
. These days are not selectable.The appearance of each of these types of days can be customized using the
structure.Usage (UIKit)
How to import?
Create a calendar picker
Customize and then update appearance
Update Calendar properties
Receive change notifications
To be notified when the date changes, simply use the target-action mechanism exactly as you would for
.If you wish to know when the user has switched months (via the previous and next buttons), you can use the picker’s
property and conform to theCalendarPickerDelegate
protocol.Usage (SwiftUI)
Our calendar picker also supports Swift UI!
How to import?
Create a calendar view
conforms to SwiftUI’sView
protocol so we can directly integrateCalendarView
with any SwiftUI view.Customize and then update appearance
Update Calendar properties
Receive change notifications To be notified when the user selects a date or changes the month, you can use the
property and conform to theCalendarViewDelegate
Y—CalendarPicker depends upon our Y—CoreUI and Y—MatterType frameworks (both also open source and Apache 2.0 licensed).
You can add Y—CalendarPicker to an Xcode project by adding it as a package dependency.
Contributing to Y—CalendarPicker
SwiftLint (linter)
Jazzy (documentation)
Clone the repo and open
in Xcode.Versioning strategy
We utilize semantic versioning.
Branching strategy
We utilize a simplified branching strategy for our frameworks.
as they are completed and approved.main
gets tagged with an updated version # for each releaseBranch naming conventions:
Pull Requests
Prior to submitting a pull request you should:
from the command line and confirm that there are no violations.jazzy
from the command line and confirm that you have 100% documentation coverage.git rebase -i HEAD~{commit-count}
to squash your last {commit-count} commits together into functional chunks.main
) has been updated since you created your branch, usegit rebase main
to rebase your branch.When submitting a pull request:
When merging a pull request:
Releasing new versions
)Generating Documentation (via Jazzy)
You can generate your own local set of documentation directly from the source code using the following command from Terminal:
This generates a set of documentation under
. The default configuration is set in the default config file.jazzy.yaml
file.To view additional documentation options type:
A GitHub Action automatically runs each time a commit is pushed to
that runs Jazzy to generate the documentation for our GitHub page at: