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Vapor package to add Country and Continent data to any database.
Import it into your project:
let package = Package( name: "TestVaporCountries", dependencies: [ //VaporCountries .package(url: "", from: "0.1.0") ], targets: [ .target(name: "App", dependencies: ["FluentSQLite", "FluentMySQL", "FluentPostgreSQL", "VaporCountries"]), ] )
Usage (for MySQL) :
import VaporCountries // in configure.swift migrations.addVaporCountries(for: .mysql) //in routes.swift try addVaporCountriesRoutes(for: .mysql, router: router)
Usage (for PostgreSQL) :
import VaporCountries // in configure.swift migrations.addVaporCountries(for: .psql) //in routes.swift try addVaporCountriesRoutes(for: .psql, router: router)
Usage (for SQLite) :
import VaporCountries // in configure.swift migrations.addVaporCountries(for: .sqlite) //in routes.swift try addVaporCountriesRoutes(for: .sqlite, router: router)
Example project:
Tutorial article on making a new Vapor Package
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Vapor package to add Country and Continent data to any database.
Import it into your project:
Usage (for MySQL) :
Usage (for PostgreSQL) :
Usage (for SQLite) :
Example project:
Tutorial article on making a new Vapor Package