Typology is a work in progress attempt to implement type checking of Swift in Swift itself.
Currently it uses SwiftSyntax as a parser, but is ready
to switch to other pure Swift parsers in the future when any are available.
Education: understanding how type checking can be implemented in a Swift
User Experience: finding the best way to report type errors and to improve
related developer tools
Research and Experimentation: prototyping advanced features that could be
fully developed within Swift’s type system.
Typology is a work in progress attempt to implement type checking of Swift in Swift itself. Currently it uses SwiftSyntax as a parser, but is ready to switch to other pure Swift parsers in the future when any are available.
How does it work?
Same as the type checker in Apple’s Swift compiler, Typology relies on the fact that you can express type systems with a set of constraints on types that are resolved through unification.
See also
Type systems and type checkers
Error reporting
Optimizing type checker’s performance for large projects