This framework is about rethinking Apple’s NotificationCenter to be more typesafe and about removing uncertainity of the needed value being present in the userInfo dictionary. It can be also used to handle NSNotification.Name subscriptions with better performance than NSNotificationCenter.
It is assumed that you already have (or at least know how to make) a DisposeBag-like system for keeping observations alive. (Observations are cleaned up when the observer token is deallocated)
// OtherFile.swift
// Observe a notification and execute a block with the sender and the payload
var observations = [TypedNotificationObservation]()
observations.append(TypedNotificationCenter.default.observe(SampleNotification.self, object: nil, block: { (sender, payload) in
print(sender, payload)
// Post a notification, sender: self, payload: SampleNotification.Payload())
// Stop observing the notification, this is also called when the observation object deinitializes
Typesafe bridging
enum KeyboardWillShowNotification: BridgedNotification {
public static var notificationName: Notification.Name = UIResponder.keyboardWillShowNotification
public typealias Sender = NSNull
public typealias Payload = KeyboardNotificationPayload
1:1 drop-in replacement for existing NSNotificationCenter usage
var observations = [TypedNotificationObservation]()
observations.append(TypedNotificationCenter.default.observe(NSLocale.currentLocaleDidChangeNotification, object: nil, queue: NSOperationQueue.mainQueue()) { notification in
print("The user's locale changed to: \(NSLocale.currentLocale().localeIdentifier)")
This framework is about rethinking Apple’s NotificationCenter to be more typesafe and about removing uncertainity of the needed value being present in the userInfo dictionary. It can be also used to handle NSNotification.Name subscriptions with better performance than NSNotificationCenter.
It is assumed that you already have (or at least know how to make) a DisposeBag-like system for keeping observations alive. (Observations are cleaned up when the observer token is deallocated)
Example usage
Typesafe API
Typesafe bridging
1:1 drop-in replacement for existing NSNotificationCenter usage