Drag TinkLink.xcframework to the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section of the General settings tab for your application target in your Xcode project. Make sure to select Copy items if needed.
Launching the SDK
To launch the SDK in your iOS app, please see the product specific documentation.
You can also optimize your integration in different ways, such as preselecting a provider. To preselect a provider, simply specify your provider name as a value to the inputProvider argument for the API calls where it’s available, like in this example:
Parameter inputProvider gives the option to use the data to skip the provider-selection screen and preselect the user’s provider (in this example, SBAB is preselected).
To get the list of all providers available for an authenticated user, please refer to list-providers. To get the list of all providers on a specified market, please refer to list-providers-for-a-market.
Example app
TinkLinkSimpleSample shows how to build a complete flow for the Transaction product by using Tink Link in the easiest and fastest manner.
Tink Link iOS
client ID
for your app.myapp://callback
Using Swift Package Manager
Add a package dependency in Xcode to your app target.
as the repository URL.TinkLink
product to the target of your app.Using CocoaPods
to yourPodfile
:Using manual installation
from the releases page on GitHub.TinkLink.xcframework
to the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section of the General settings tab for your application target in your Xcode project. Make sure to select Copy items if needed.Launching the SDK
To launch the SDK in your iOS app, please see the product specific documentation.
Preselecting a provider
You can also optimize your integration in different ways, such as preselecting a provider. To preselect a provider, simply specify your provider name as a value to the
argument for the API calls where it’s available, like in this example:Parameter
gives the option to use the data to skip the provider-selection screen and preselect the user’s provider (in this example, SBAB is preselected).To get the list of all providers available for an authenticated user, please refer to list-providers. To get the list of all providers on a specified market, please refer to list-providers-for-a-market.
Example app
SDK reference
For the full API reference, please see the Tink Link iOS SDK Reference.