

A command line profiling tool with stopwatch, cpu and memory usage.


./timeui path/to/app-to-profile runs the stopwatch and signpost regions stopwatches.

If you run timeui with root privileges it’ll display also CPU and memory usage.

A visual demo of timeui

The easiest way to give timeui a try is clone the repo and from the command line run sudo run-demo.sh.


  1. git clone https://github.com/icanzilb/timeui
  2. cd timeui
  3. ./install.sh

Once the tool is installed (in /usr/local/bin) you can start it from any location on your mac.


If you run timeui with sudo the app will display data about CPU and RAM usage.

Use --ding command line parameter or toggle the speaker button in the UI to play sound when the watched process completes.


This tool was put in just few hours time, here’s the live twitter thread with progress updates.

If you’d like to improve and keep improving it, I have a list with possible steps to build it into a real, usable tool: https://github.com/icanzilb/timeui/issues


Copyright (c) Marin Todorov 2022 This code is provided under the MIT License.
