

API for template management for Vapor 3

Everybody needs to manage some templates from time to time in their application. Templator provides a database agnostic solution to the problem, optionally providing a configurable set of API endpoints to allow user to manage these from any interface.

Default template sources can be hosted remotely on github for example and reloaded/reset at will.



To setup API routes do (more on routes here)

try Templates<PostgreSQLDatabase>.setup(routes: router)

Next you need to add the Templator table / model to your migrations

try Templates<PostgreSQLDatabase>.setup(models: &migrationConfig, database: .db)

optionally, you can also setup an additional endpoint authentication through a closure as follows

try Templator.Templates<ApiCoreDatabase>.setup(routes: router, permissionCheck: { (routeEnumValue, req) -> EventLoopFuture<Bool> in
    // authenticate

To register required services, run

try Templates<PostgreSQLDatabase>.setup(services: &services)

Apart from registering Leaf as a templating system, Templates<PostgreSQLDatabase> is registered to be used internally in your application.

API routes

Routes available are as follows:

  • [GET] templates - list templates
  • [POST] templates - create a template
  • [GET] templates/:id - get a single template
  • [PUT] templates/:id - modify a template
  • [DELETE] templates/:id - delete a template

Model for modification or creation of a template is:

    "name": "test-template",
    "source": "<h1>Welcome#(name)</h1>",
    "link": "http://link_to_a_remote_template_source.com"

Retrieving templates in your app is super simple

let templator = try req.make(Templates<ApiCoreDatabase>.self)
let htmlFuture = templator.get(EmailTemplateInvitationHTML.self, data: templateModel, on: req)
return htmlFuture.flatMap(to: View.self) { htmlTemplate in
   /// Use template

Creating templates

To create a new template, conform your struct to a Source<Database>

/// Basic invitation template
public class EmailTemplateInvitationHTML: Source {
    public typealias Database = PostgreSQLDatabase
    /// Name of the template
    public static var name: String = "email.invitation.html"
    public static var link: String = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LiveUI/ApiCore/master/Resources/Templates/email.invitation.html.leaf"
    public static var deletable: Bool = false

A little trick if you want to avoid defining the Database for each template is to create a protocol wrapper

public protocol TemplateSource: Source where Self.Database == ApiCoreDatabase { }

public class EmailTemplateInvitationPlain: TemplateSource {
    /// Name of the template
    public static var name: String = "email.invitation.plain"
    public static var link: String = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LiveUI/ApiCore/master/Resources/Templates/email.invitation.plain.leaf"
    public static var deletable: Bool = false
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