Telegram Vapor Bot (SDK for creating Telegram Bots in Swift)
Please, support with ⭐️
🤖 The wrapper for the Telegram Bot API written in Swift with Vapor. It’s not a framework. There is no special syntax here. This is a library that implements all Telegram Bot API methods, which is available to you to work with Vapor.
Example Telegram Bot based on Swift Telegram Vapor Bot - Here
Swift Server Side Community - Ukraine / Russian / CIS Telegram Chat
create folder with your handlers TGHandlers/DefaultBotHandlers.swift
import Vapor
import TelegramVaporBot
final class DefaultBotHandlers {
static func addHandlers(app: Vapor.Application, connection: TGConnectionPrtcl) async {
await defaultBaseHandler(app: app, connection: connection)
await messageHandler(app: app, connection: connection)
await commandPingHandler(app: app, connection: connection)
await commandShowButtonsHandler(app: app, connection: connection)
await buttonsActionHandler(app: app, connection: connection)
/// Handler for all updates
private static func defaultBaseHandler(app: Vapor.Application, connection: TGConnectionPrtcl) async {
await connection.dispatcher.add(TGBaseHandler({ update, bot in
guard let message = update.message else { return }
let params: TGSendMessageParams = .init(chatId: .chat(, text: "TGBaseHandler")
try await params)
/// Handler for Messages
private static func messageHandler(app: Vapor.Application, connection: TGConnectionPrtcl) async {
await connection.dispatcher.add(TGMessageHandler(filters: (.all && !.command.names(["/ping", "/show_buttons"]))) { update, bot in
let params: TGSendMessageParams = .init(chatId: .chat(update.message!, text: "Success")
try await params)
/// Handler for Commands
private static func commandPingHandler(app: Vapor.Application, connection: TGConnectionPrtcl) async {
await connection.dispatcher.add(TGCommandHandler(commands: ["/ping"]) { update, bot in
try await update.message?.reply(text: "pong", bot: bot)
/// Show buttons
private static func commandShowButtonsHandler(app: Vapor.Application, connection: TGConnectionPrtcl) async {
await connection.dispatcher.add(TGCommandHandler(commands: ["/show_buttons"]) { update, bot in
guard let userId = update.message?.from?.id else { fatalError("user id not found") }
let buttons: [[TGInlineKeyboardButton]] = [
[.init(text: "Button 1", callbackData: "press 1"), .init(text: "Button 2", callbackData: "press 2")]
let keyboard: TGInlineKeyboardMarkup = .init(inlineKeyboard: buttons)
let params: TGSendMessageParams = .init(chatId: .chat(userId),
text: "Keyboard active",
replyMarkup: .inlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard))
try await params)
/// Handler for buttons callbacks
private static func buttonsActionHandler(app: Vapor.Application, connection: TGConnectionPrtcl) async {
await connection.dispatcher.add(TGCallbackQueryHandler(pattern: "press 1") { update, bot in
let params: TGAnswerCallbackQueryParams = .init(callbackQueryId: update.callbackQuery?.id ?? "0",
text: update.callbackQuery?.data ?? "data not exist",
showAlert: nil,
url: nil,
cacheTime: nil)
try await bot.answerCallbackQuery(params: params)
await connection.dispatcher.add(TGCallbackQueryHandler(pattern: "press 2") { update, bot in
let params: TGAnswerCallbackQueryParams = .init(callbackQueryId: update.callbackQuery?.id ?? "0",
text: update.callbackQuery?.data ?? "data not exist",
showAlert: nil,
url: nil,
cacheTime: nil)
try await bot.answerCallbackQuery(params: params)
Create file TGBotConnectionActor.swift
Add Actor for TGConnection
import Foundation
import TelegramVaporBot
actor TGBotConnection {
private var _connection: TGConnectionPrtcl!
var connection: TGConnectionPrtcl {
func setConnection(_ conn: TGConnectionPrtcl) {
self._connection = conn
vapor main.swift
make strong reference to TGBotConnection instance and add “await” to configure
import Vapor
import TelegramVaporBot
let TGBOT: TGBotConnection = .init()
try await configure(app)
Use with LongPolling
import TelegramVaporBot
public func configure(_ app: Application) async throws {
/// set level of debug if you needed
TGBot.log.logLevel = app.logger.logLevel
let bot: TGBot = .init(app: app, botId: tgApi)
await TGBOT.setConnection(try await TGLongPollingConnection(bot: bot))
await DefaultBotHandlers.addHandlers(app: app, connection: TGBOT.connection)
try await TGBOT.connection.start()
try routes(app)
Use with Webhooks
import TelegramVaporBot
public func configure(_ app: Application) async throws {
/// set level of debug if you needed
TGBot.log.logLevel = app.logger.logLevel
let bot: TGBot = .init(app: app, botId: tgApi)
await TGBOT.setConnection(try await TGWebHookConnection(bot: bot, webHookURL: "https://your_domain/telegramWebHook"))
await DefaultBotHandlers.addHandlers(app: app, connection: TGBOT.connection)
try await TGBOT.connection.start()
try routes(app)
vapor routes.swift
import Vapor
import TelegramVaporBot
func routes(_ app: Application) throws {
try app.register(collection: TelegramController())
vapor TelegramController.swift
import Vapor
import TelegramVaporBot
final class TelegramController: RouteCollection {
func boot(routes: Vapor.RoutesBuilder) throws {"telegramWebHook", use: telegramWebHook)
extension TelegramController {
func telegramWebHook(_ req: Request) async throws -> Bool {
let update: TGUpdate = try req.content.decode(TGUpdate.self)
return try await TGBOT.connection.dispatcher.process([update])
Add to your Vapor project with Swift Package Manager
add to yor Package.json
// swift-tools-version:5.5
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "Telegram-bot-example",
platforms: [
dependencies: [
.package(name: "vapor", url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "4.57.0")),
.package(name: "TelegramVaporBot", url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "2.1.0")),
targets: [
name: "Telegram-bot-example",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "Vapor", package: "vapor"),
.product(name: "TelegramVaporBot", package: "TelegramVaporBot"),
Inspired by Telegrammer
Telegram Vapor Bot (SDK for creating Telegram Bots in Swift)
Please, support with ⭐️
🤖 The wrapper for the Telegram Bot API written in Swift with Vapor. It’s not a framework. There is no special syntax here. This is a library that implements all Telegram Bot API methods, which is available to you to work with Vapor.
Example Telegram Bot based on Swift Telegram Vapor Bot - Here
Swift Server Side Community
Swift Server Side Community - Ukraine / Russian / CIS Telegram Chat
create folder with your handlers TGHandlers/DefaultBotHandlers.swift
Create file TGBotConnectionActor.swift
Add Actor for TGConnection
vapor main.swift
make strong reference to TGBotConnection instance and add “await” to configure
Use with LongPolling
for longpolling you should only configure vapor configure.swift
Use with Webhooks
vapor configure.swift
vapor routes.swift
vapor TelegramController.swift
Add to your Vapor project with Swift Package Manager
add to yor Package.json
Inspired by Telegrammer