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What’s Tapestry 🤔

Tapestry helps you with creating and managing your Swift frameworks 💫

Do you want to easily create a Swift framework that supports Carthage, Cocoapods and SPM?

Or define your release steps in a type-safe way?

Well, look no further, tapestry shall help you with exactly that!

Projects Using Tapestry

Project Repository
XcodeProj tuist/XcodeProj
ACKategories AckeeCZ/ACKategories

If you are also leveraging Tapestry in your project, feel free to open a PR to include it in the list above.

These repositories can also serve as a great example configuration for your own projects.


Using mint

$ mint install AckeeCZ/tapestry

Using SPM

Add this to your Package.swift:

.package(url: "https://github.com/AckeeCZ/tapestry.git", .branch("master")),

Using Swift directly

$ git clone https://github.com/AckeeCZ/tapestry.git
$ cd tapestry
$ swift run tapestry

Setup release steps

To get you started with tapestry (if you did not generate your framework with it!), you can run

tapestry up

This will create a TapestryConfig.swift that you can then customize per your needs

To configure your release steps, run:

tapestry edit

This opens Xcode with easily editable TapestryConfig.swift.

The generated file will look like this:

import TapestryDescription

let config = TapestryConfig(release: Release(actions: [.pre(.docsUpdate),
                                                       .pre(.dependenciesCompatibility([.cocoapods, .carthage, .spm(.all)]))],
                                             add: ["README.md",
                                             commitMessage: "Version \(Argument.version)",
                                             push: false))

You can see lower below how to configure the manifest to your needs.

Release Github Action

Just by adding a simple tapestry step .post(.githubRelease(owner: "owner", repository: "repository", assetPaths: ["build.zip"])) you can automate your whole release process with Github actions. If that sounds interesting to you, check out the action here

To then create a new release with github action, simply run tapestry github-release 0.0.1 and … that’s all! 🙂

Editing TapestryConfig

To edit the manifest, simply run tapestry edit. That will open Xcode project with that manifest, so you can easily edit the Swift file. You can use the documentation right in the new Xcode project or you can use the documentation below 👇


This currently only has one argument release, more will be added here


The main component of the release process.

Property Description Type Optional Default
actions Your custom release steps, more about how you can define them below (see ReleaseAction) [ReleaseAction] No []
add Glob of your files that you want to add to git before releasing a version [String] Yes
commitMessage Commit message - use Argument.version in your string which will translate to the version you are releasing String No
push This option determines if the changes are committed at the end Bool No

Running tapestry release 0.0.7 also automatically tags the latest commit.


This type lets you define the individual actions.

Case Description
pre(tool: String, arguments: [String] = []) Runs before commiting and pushing. Runs the custom command from the root folder.
pre(_ predefinedAction: PredefinedAction) Runs before commiting and pushing. Runs a PredefinedAction, more on that below.
post(tool: String, arguments: [String] = []) Runs after commiting and pushing. Runs the custom command from the root folder.
post(_ predefinedAction: PredefinedAction) Runs after commiting and pushing. Runs a PredefinedAction, more on that below.


This is a set of predefined actions.

Case Description
githubRelease Creates a new release on github. If you specify assetPaths, the files at the paths will be uploaded along with the new Github release.
docsUpdate Updates version in your .podspec, README.md and adds it in CHANGELOG.md
dependenciesCompatibility([DependenciesManager]) Checks compatibility with given DependenciesManagers

Note that for docsUpdate your changelog must be in this format:

## Next

- your way of adding logs

## 1.0.0

Which will be changed to

## Next

## 1.0.1

- your way of adding logs

## 1.0.0

To change the version in your README.md, we use the latest tag in your git history.

You can also try out the individual actions:

tapestry run action docs-update 1.0.0
tapestry run action compatibilty spm carthage cocoapods


Let’s you say what dependency managers you want to check compatibility for.

Case Description
cocoapods Runs compatibility check for Cocoapods
carthage Runs compatibility check for Carthage
spm(Platform) Runs compatibility check for SPM - define platform if you are using platform-specific libraries (eg UIKit)

Generating project


To generate your project, simply run:

tapestry init --path TapestryProject

You can omit --path argument and it will generate your framework in the current directory.

It uses tuist and SPM tools, so it’s very easy to adjust it to your needs (no complicated template structure, all code is generated from the ground up!)

You can change the generated files in InitCommand and your example project in ExampleModelLoader. In the future, I’d like to make this customization even easier, so watch this space 👀

Generated project features

  • CocoaPods, Carthage and Swift Package Manager compatibility
  • README.md template
  • travis to automate your builds
  • Library support
  • Executable support for your CLI tools
  • more and even more to come!

You can check out an example project that was generated with tapestry here.

Releasing project


Inspiration and thanks

I’d like to thank tuist for inspiration and help in this project. This project was also inspired by rocket

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