Plugin to add syntax highlighting (for multiple languages) to your Publish Site, with the least amount of effort.
It currently supports defining Grammars with:
You have three options to add new Grammars to your site:
Use Syntax
Use TextMate
Use Splash
You are allowed to add as many grammars as you like. And the plugin will choose the correct grammar depending on the language in each code block:
try MyPublishSite().publish(using: [
// use plugin and include all the grammars that you want to use (note: we only ship this plugin with Swift)
.installPlugin(.syntaxHighlighting(.swift, .kotlin, .scala, .java, .json, .graphql)),
Syntax is a SwiftUI-like parser builder DSL that you can use to define your custom Grammar structurally.
For example this is how you would write a Parser that can parse the output of FizzBuzz:
enum FizzBuzzValue {
case number(Int)
case fizz
case buzz
case fizzBuzz
struct FizzBuzzParser: Parser {
var body: AnyParser<[FizzBuzzValue]> {
Repeat {
Either {
IntLiteral().map { FizzBuzzValue.number($0) }
Word("FizzBuzz").map(to: FizzBuzzValue.fizzBuzz)
Word("Fizz").map(to: FizzBuzzValue.fizz)
And in order to add it to our site we use the Parser to create a Grammar:
import SyntaxHighlightPublishPlugin
extension Grammar {
// define Fizz Buzz Grammar
static let fizzBuzz = Grammar(name: "FizzBuzz") {
try MyPublishSite().publish(using: [
// use plugin and include your Grammar
Most programming languages have a TextMate definition out there so that you don’t have to put in the work in coding it all down.
You can simply search for the VS Code plugin for your language of choice and in the repo you will most likely find a .tmLanguage file.
That’s all you need to add support for that language on your site.
Let’s say for that you want to add support for Kotlin:
Syntax Highlight Publish Plugin
Plugin to add syntax highlighting (for multiple languages) to your Publish Site, with the least amount of effort. It currently supports defining Grammars with:
Swift Package Manager
You can install SyntaxHighlightPublishPlugin via Swift Package Manager by adding the following line to your
You have three options to add new Grammars to your site:
You are allowed to add as many grammars as you like. And the plugin will choose the correct grammar depending on the language in each code block:
Syntax is a SwiftUI-like parser builder DSL that you can use to define your custom Grammar structurally. For example this is how you would write a Parser that can parse the output of FizzBuzz:
And in order to add it to our site we use the Parser to create a
Most programming languages have a TextMate definition out there so that you don’t have to put in the work in coding it all down.
You can simply search for the VS Code plugin for your language of choice and in the repo you will most likely find a .tmLanguage file. That’s all you need to add support for that language on your site.
Let’s say for that you want to add support for Kotlin:
If you were already using Splash on your site before and put in the work to add a custom Splash Grammar. No problem. We can use that too:
Contributions are welcome and encouraged!
SyntaxHighlightPublishPlugin is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.