This project provides a set of tools to perform Kerberos protocol transition and ticket impersonation.
It is comprised of:
A privileged daemon hosted alongside the KDC which provides impersonation services (sybild)
A command line interface which can be used to request tickets on behalf of users (sybil)
When used together, this enables services which provide their own authentication mechanism to utilize a Kerberized infrastructure. For example, this can allow a CI/CD agent to submit pipelines on behalf of a user authenticated outside of the Kerberos realm (e.g. OIDC, SAML).
# Create the Sybil service principal and generate its keytab
ipa service-add sybil/ipa.domain.lan
ipa-getkeytab -p sybil/ipa.domain.lan -k /etc/krb5.keytab
# Create the Sybil DNS service record
ipa dnsrecord-add --srv-priority=0 --srv-weight=100 --srv-port=57811 --srv-target=ipa.domain.lan. domain.lan _sybil._tcp
# Allow a host to perform impersonation against the Sybil service
ipa servicedelegationtarget-add sybil-target
ipa servicedelegationtarget-add-member --principals sybil/ipa.domain.lan sybil-target
ipa servicedelegationrule-add sybil
ipa servicedelegationrule-add-member --principals host/server.domain.lan sybil
ipa servicedelegationrule-add-target --servicedelegationtargets=sybil-target sybil
ipa host-mod --ok-to-auth-as-delegate=true server.domain.lan
# Configure and run Sybil
cat > /etc/sybil.toml <<EOF
tkt_cipher = "aes256-sha1"
tkt_flags = "FRI"
tkt_life = "10h"
tkt_renew_life = "7d"
allow_networks = [""]
allow_realms = ["DOMAIN.LAN"]
allow_groups = ["group@domain.lan"]
strip_domain = true
cross_realm = ""
systemctl enable --now sybil
MIT Kerberos
Assuming an existing MIT Kerberos install with the LDAP backend (required for S4U to work)
# Create the Sybil service principal and generate its keytab
kadmin.local addprinc -randkey sybil/mit.domain.lan
kadmin.local ktadd -k /etc/krb5.keytab sybil/mit.domain.lan
# Create the Sybil DNS service record as follow in your DNS server
# _sybil._tcp.domain.lan. 86400 IN SRV 0 100 57811 mit.domain.lan.
# Allow a host to perform impersonation against the Sybil service
ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:// <<EOF
dn: krbPrincipalName=host/server.domain.lan@DOMAIN.LAN,cn=DOMAIN.LAN,cn=krbContainer,dc=domain,dc=lan
changetype: modify
add: krbAllowedToDelegateTo
krbAllowedToDelegateTo: sybil/mit.domain.lan
kadmin.local modprinc +ok_to_auth_as_delegate host/server.domain.lan
# Configure and run Sybil
cat > /etc/sybil.toml <<EOF
tkt_cipher = "aes256-sha1"
tkt_flags = "FRI"
tkt_life = "10h"
tkt_renew_life = "7d"
allow_networks = [""]
allow_realms = ["DOMAIN.LAN"]
allow_groups = ["group@domain.lan"]
strip_domain = true
cross_realm = ""
systemctl enable --now sybil
# Retrieve a ticket for the host
kinit -k
# Acquire a ticket on behalf of the given principal
sybil kinit user@domain.lan
# Verify that a ticket has been acquired
sudo -u user klist
Default principal: user@DOMAIN.LAN
Valid starting Expires Service principal
09/15/2023 00:38:23 09/15/2023 10:38:23 krbtgt/DOMAIN.LAN@DOMAIN.LAN
renew until 09/22/2023 00:38:23
This project provides a set of tools to perform Kerberos protocol transition and ticket impersonation.
It is comprised of:
)When used together, this enables services which provide their own authentication mechanism to utilize a Kerberized infrastructure.
For example, this can allow a CI/CD agent to submit pipelines on behalf of a user authenticated outside of the Kerberos realm (e.g. OIDC, SAML).
This project relies among other things on GSSAPI and the Microsoft S4U protocol extensions.
Assuming an existing FreeIPA or RHEL IdM install:
MIT Kerberos
Assuming an existing MIT Kerberos install with the LDAP backend (required for S4U to work)