SwiftyBash is a Swift Bash scripting & piping library, written in Swift.
🤖 Usage
🚀 Simple bash command
Describe your command through a BashCmd object, and run it! It is that simple :
// Run `ls` in the executable directory
let ls = BashCmd("ls")
let result = try! ls.run()
// Run `git status` from ~/MyProject directory
let status = BashCmd("git", args:"status", from:"~/MyProject")
let result = try! status.run()
🤝 Pipe
You can pipe output and input stream easily, as many times as you want !
let ls = BashCmd("ls", args:"-l", from:"~/")
let grep = BashCmd("grep", args:"root")
let wc = BashCmd("wc", args:"-l")
// Use pipe() function
let result = try! ls.pipe(grep).pipe(wc).run()
Custom operator
You can use the | to pipe from a command to another 😻
⚠️ You have to declare the operator somewhere in your project to be able to use it !
// Operator declaration somewhere in your project
infix operator |
// Have fun ! How beautiful is it ?
let result = try! (ls | grep | wc).run()
🔥 Error handling
SwiftyBash uses Swift exception to handle error, by throwing a BashException.
let grep = BashCmd("grep", args:"hosts", "/private/etc/*")
do {
try grep.run()
catch {
if let error = error as? BashException {
print(error.stderr) // Prints STDERR
print(error.stdout) // Prints STDOUT
✏️ Output type
You can chose the output type between a simple String or to write the output into a file.
Default is .string(.raw).
Write into a file
let cat = BashCmd("cat", args:"file.json")
let grep = BashCmd("grep", args:"'secrets'")
// Write the result into `secrets.json`
try! (cat | grep).run(outputType:.file("secrets.json"))
Whitespaces trimming
let ls = BashCmd("ls", args:"-l")
let wc = BashCmd("wc", args:"-l")
let result = try! (ls | wc).run(outputType:.string(.raw)) // result is ` 6`
let result = try! (ls | wc).run(outputType:.string(.whiteSpacesTrimmed)) // result is `6`
Example of output
When taking the output as a string or to a file, new lines (\n) are kept. So, here is an example of output :
let ls = BashCmd("ls", args:"-l")
let result = try! ls.run()
… shows …
total 24
-rw-r--r--+ 1 me staff 331 12 nov 23:33 Package.resolved
-rw-r--r--+ 1 me staff 743 12 nov 23:19 Package.swift
-rw-r--r--+ 1 me staff 50 12 nov 23:02 README.md
drwxr-xr-x+ 3 me staff 102 12 nov 23:02 Sources
drwxr-xr-x+ 2 me staff 68 12 nov 23:02 Tests
🚧 Installation
SwiftyBash is currently only available for Swift 4. If you need Swift 3 compatibility, feel free to open an issue or to create a Pull Request 😉
📦 Swift Package Manager
Update your Package.swift file by adding this line to your dependencies :
SwiftyBash is a Swift Bash scripting & piping library, written in Swift.
🤖 Usage
🚀 Simple bash command
Describe your command through a
object, and run it! It is that simple :🤝 Pipe
You can pipe output and input stream easily, as many times as you want !
Custom operator
You can use the
to pipe from a command to another 😻⚠️ You have to declare the operator somewhere in your project to be able to use it !
🔥 Error handling
SwiftyBash uses Swift exception to handle error, by throwing a BashException.
✏️ Output type
You can chose the output type between a simple
or to write the output into a file. Default is.string(.raw)
.Write into a file
Whitespaces trimming
Example of output
When taking the output as a string or to a file, new lines (
) are kept. So, here is an example of output :… shows …
🚧 Installation
SwiftyBash is currently only available for Swift 4. If you need Swift 3 compatibility, feel free to open an issue or to create a Pull Request 😉
📦 Swift Package Manager
Update your Package.swift file by adding this line to your dependencies :
Do not forget to also add it to your target dependencies :
👤 Contact
If you have any question, new idea or if you find a bug (❌), feel free to open an issue or to contact me by email.