For iOS 14 and later, please use Apple’s official Map view.
(Click the image to see the full screenshot)
Using Xcode, select File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency and enter
In your view, add the map.
See the example project for how to integrate the map view.
import SwiftUIMapView
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
Map type
MapView(mapType: .standard)
User location
Showing the current user location
The current location can be shown on the map. By default, this is true.
Note that the application requires permission to access the current user location.
See the documentation on MapView.showsUserLocation for more information.
MapView(showsUserLocation: true)
Tracking the user’s location
MapView(userTrackingMode: .follow)
Setting the visible region center
The binding passed in for center defines the visible region. Setting it to nil will use the map’s default region when loaded.
It is also updated when the visible region changes.
@State var center: CLLocationCoordinate2D?
MapView(center: self.$center)
Setting the visible region zoom
The binding passed in for zoom defines the visible region span. A default zoom is used if you do not specify any value.
It is also updated when the visible region changes.
@State var zoom: MKCoordinateSpan
MapView(zoom: self.$zoom)
Adding annotations
Annotations are represented as objects of a custom class that implements the MapViewAnnotation protocol.
It might be helpful to sublcass from existing classes like MKPlacemark.
let annotations: [MapViewAnnotation] = ...
MapView(annotation: self.annotations)
Selecting annotations
A list of selected annotations can be passed in via binding.
Selecting an annotations updates the binding, and the other way around.
@State var selectedAnnotations: [MapViewAnnotation] = []
MapView(selectedAnnotations: self.$selectedAnnotations)
MKMapView in SwiftUI.
For iOS 14 and later, please use Apple’s official Map view.
Using Xcode, select
->Swift Packages
->Add Package Dependency
and enter
In your view, add the map. See the example project for how to integrate the map view.
Map type
User location
Showing the current user location
The current location can be shown on the map. By default, this is
. Note that the application requires permission to access the current user location. See the documentation onMapView.showsUserLocation
for more information.Tracking the user’s location
Setting the visible region center
The binding passed in for
defines the visible region. Setting it tonil
will use the map’s default region when loaded. It is also updated when the visible region changes.Setting the visible region zoom
The binding passed in for
defines the visible region span. A default zoom is used if you do not specify any value. It is also updated when the visible region changes.Annotations
Adding annotations
Annotations are represented as objects of a custom class that implements the
protocol. It might be helpful to sublcass from existing classes likeMKPlacemark
.Selecting annotations
A list of selected annotations can be passed in via binding. Selecting an annotations updates the binding, and the other way around.
See the contributing guide.
This project is licensed unter the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.