
What is SwiftRanges?

SwiftRanges provides some kinds of range that are not implemented in Swift Standard Library.
It was originally written as a part of SwiftCGIResponder.


Name Lower Bound Upper Bound Implemented in
ClosedRange Included Included Swift Standard Library
LeftOpenRange Excluded Included This Library
OpenRange Excluded Excluded This Library
Range Included Excluded Swift Standard Library
PartialRangeFrom Included (Pos. Inf.) Swift Standard Library
PartialRangeGreaterThan Excluded (Pos. Inf.) This Library
PartialRangeThrough (Neg. Inf.) Included Swift Standard Library
PartialRangeUpTo (Neg. Inf.) Excluded Swift Standard Library
UnboundedRange (Neg. Inf.) (Pos. Inf.) Swift Standard Library

Other structs implemented in this library

  • AnyRange: A type-erased range.
  • RangeDictionary: A collection like Dictionary whose key is a range.
  • MultipleRanges: A set that can contain multiple types of ranges.


  • Swift 4.1, 4.2, 5(recommended)
  • macOS or Linux


Left-Open Ranges

import Ranges

let leftOpenRange: LeftOpenRange<Int> = 10<..20
print(leftOpenRange.contains(10)) // -> false
print(leftOpenRange.contains(15)) // -> true
print(leftOpenRange.contains(20)) // -> true

let openRange: OpenRange<Int> = 10<..<20
print(openRange.contains(10)) // -> false
print(openRange.contains(15)) // -> true
print(openRange.contains(20)) // -> false

let greaterThan: PartialRangeGreaterThan<Int> = 10<..
print(greaterThan.contains(10)) // -> false
print(greaterThan.contains(Int.max)) // -> true

print(greaterThan.overlaps(...11)) // -> true
print(greaterThan.overlaps(..<11)) // -> false
                                   // Because there is no integer in "10<..<11"

Type-erased Range: AnyRange

import Ranges
// Original operators are implemented for `AnyRange`.
// Some of them are below:

let leftOpenRange: LeftOpenRange<Int> = 10<..20
let typeErasedLeftOpenRange: AnyRange<Int> = 10<...20
print(leftOpenRange == typeErasedLeftOpenRange) // -> true

let openRange: OpenRange<Int> = 10<..<20
let typeErasedOpenRange: AnyRange<Int> = 19<...<30
print(openRange.overlaps(typeErasedOpenRange)) // -> false

let greaterThan: PartialRangeGreaterThan<Int> = 10<..
let typeErasedGreaterThan: AnyRange<Int> = 20<...
print(greaterThan.contains(15)) // -> true
print(typeErasedGreaterThan.contains(15)) // -> false


var dic: RangeDictionary<Int, String> = [
  1....2: "Index",
  3....10: "Chapter 01",
  11....40: "Chapter 02"

print(dic[1]) // Prints "Index"
print(dic[5]) // Prints "Chapter 01"
print(dic[15]) // Prints "Chapter 02"
print(dic[100]) // Prints "nil"

dic.insert("Prologue", forRange: 2....5)
print(dic[5]) // Prints "Prologue"


import Ranges

var multi = MultipleRanges<Int>()
print(multi.contains(15)) // -> true
print(multi.contains(25)) // -> false
print(multi.contains(35)) // -> true

print(multi.ranges) // -> [10..<15, 35<..40]

Other methods like Set are also implemented in MultipleRanges:

  • intersection(_:)
  • union(_:)
  • symmetricDifference(_:)


MIT License.
See “LICENSE.txt” for more information.

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