
SwiftLint Swift Package Plugin

A SwiftLint Swift Package plugin.

This Plugin differs from the official SwiftLint plugin by using a binary version of SwiftLint, so you don’t have to build SwiftLint from source.


  • Swift 5.7+


Build Tool Plugin

Add the SwiftLintPlugin dependency to your Package.swift file:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/adamayoung/swiftlint-plugin.git", from: "0.51.0")

For each of the Swift Package targets you want to lint during a build, add the plugin:

targets: [
        name: "MyTarget",
        plugins: [
            .plugin(name: "SwiftLintPlugin", package: "swiftlint-plugin")

Now, when you build your Swift Package in Xcode, you will get inline SwiftLint warnings and errors.

Command Plugin

To run SwiftLint from the command line in your Swift Package (e.g. during CI workflows):

swift package swiftlint


The command plugin also supports the following options:

Option Description
--config <path to .swiftlint.yml file> the path to one or more SwiftLint configuration files
--reporter <reporter name> the reporter used to log errors and warnings e.g. github-actions-logging
--strict to upgrade warnings to serious violations
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