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Hey there!
Please note: This project is still in Alpha Version and we’re actively working on forking over a lot of nifty features from SwiftEngine to make it compatible with SwiftNIO. We appreciate any contributors or testers joining our project!


  • Swift on Back-End - Improve productivity by using the modern Swift language for all your app’s development needs (learn more)
  • Hot Code Reload - Increase the speed of your endpoints as each file is individually compiled. If a file has not been modified since it was last used, it won’t need to be recompiled (learn more)
  • Automated Routing Logic - Avoid writing custom routers; SwiftEngine will automagically route each request to the desired file (learn more)
  • Uptime Resiliency - Reduce risk by leveraging a fail-safe and high-availability operating environment where each client requests functions independently (learn more)
  • Easy web based run-time error analysis - Save time by not having to dig through shell dumps; SwiftEngine displays the full error trace on your browser for easy debugging (learn more)

Getting Started 💥

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


What are the dependencies we need to get this to work?

OS Version
macOS 10.13+
Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04, 16.10

Getting started with the project

  1. Clone this repo: git clone https://github.com/swiftengine/SwiftEngine.git
  2. cd to SwiftEngine directory and run sudo ./install.sh
  3. Run ./run.sh This should start the server running and listening on port 8887


Programming your site:

  1. Create a new mypage.swift file within the /var/swiftengine/www/ directory (see example below)
  2. From the browser, enter the following url http://<machine_ip>:8887/mypage (by default this is localhost:8887)

That’s it! No compilation or dealing with shell dumps required! Your requested endpoints will be automagically compiled during the first request, and results will be shown.

Any swift file you place in /var/swiftengine/www will be accessible through the browser without the .swift extension. Read more about SwiftEngine’s autonomous system and routing logic (here)

Example of a SwiftEngine based .swift file

// Import SwiftEngine essentials
import SwiftEngine

// specify other required files for this file
//se: require /common.swift

// Entry Point function; where all code begins
func entryPoint(ctx: RequestContext) {

    // add GET handlers to the request context
    ctx.addHandler(forMethod:"GET", withRoute:"*"){
        req, res in
        res.write("Hello from SwiftEngine!")

    // add POST handlers to the request context
    ctx.addHandler(forMethod:"POST", withRoute:"*"){
        req, res in
        res.write("Handle for POST request method")

    // add catch-all handlers to the request context
    ctx.addHandler(forMethod:"*", withRoute:"*"){
        req, res in
        res.write("Handle for catch-all")


Built With


We would love to hear your thoughts and feedback about SwiftEngine. If you would like to contribute to our project or have an issue you would like to open, please visit our CONTRIBUTING document for more details.


Contact Us


This project is licensed under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details

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