SwiftArg is a command line argument parser with virtually no learning curve. It relies only on
the Swift standard library.
import SwiftArg
let parser = Parser()
// Add long options.
parser.addOption(names: ["version"])
// Add short options.
parser.addOption(names: ["f"])
parser.addOption(names: ["r"])
// Long and short options are automatically differentiated between.
parser.addOption(names: ["help", "h"])
// Positional arguments are added to the last option raised, with a limit you define.
// Options can be assigned to with either syntax: `--output=foo.txt` or `--output foo.txt`.
parser.addOption(names: ["output", "o"], maxValueCount: 1)
// So if the arguments were "foo --help -ru -o foo.txt bar --blah"...
parser.parse(arguments: CommandLine.arguments)
// ...then all of the following expressions would be true.
parser.executableArgument == "foo"
parser.hasRaisedOption(named: "h")
parser.hasRaisedOption(named: "r")
parser.hasRaisedOption(named: "help")
!parser.hasRaisedOption(named: "f")
parser.hasRaisedOption(named: "output")
parser.valuesOfOption(named: "output") == ["foo.txt"]
parser.unrecognizedArguments == ["-u", "bar", "--blah"]
This covers the entire interface. Check the Xcode Quick Help if you still want more information on
individual functions.
To import SwiftArg into your project, just add it to your package dependencies in
Package.swift and as a target dependency to any target that will import SwiftArg.
A stupid simple argument parser for Swift.
is a command line argument parser with virtually no learning curve. It relies only on the Swift standard library.Example
This covers the entire interface. Check the Xcode Quick Help if you still want more information on individual functions.
To import
into your project, just add it to your package dependencies inPackage.swift
and as a target dependency to any target that willimport SwiftArg