This package adds RoundedTrapezoid and Trapezoid shapes to SwiftUI.
RoundedTrapezoids have the following properties:
cornerRadius: Determines the roundness of the corners.
edgeRatio: Determines the width of the top or right edge compared to the bottom or left edge (respectively) of the trapezoid.
Cannot be less than 0.
< 1 results in top or right edge shorter than bottom or left edge.
> 1 results in top or right edge longer than bottom or left edge.
flexibleEdge: Determines which base is "flexible."
Options are .top (default), .right, .bottom, .left
The flexible edge is the edge which will grow or shrink based on the edgeRatio; and be offset by the edgeOffset.
edgeOffset: Determines how acute the trapezoid is.
Defaults to 0 for isosceles trapezoid.
RoundedTrapezoids can be initialized in the following ways:
// Defaults cornerRadius to 10, edgeRatio to 0.65, flexibleEdge to .top, edgeOffset to 0.
// Provide the cornerRadius. Defaults edgeRatio to 0.65, flexibleEdge to .top, edgeOffset to 0.
RoundedTrapezoid(cornerRadius: Double)
// Provide the cornerRadius and edgeRatio. Defaults flexibleEdge to .top, edgeOffset is set to 0.
RoundedTrapezoid(cornerRadius: Double, edgeRatio: Double)
// Provide cornerRadius and any of the other 3 properties in any combination. The defaults are as above. You can provide settings for all or some.
RoundedTrapezoid(cornerRadius: Double, edgeRatio: Double, flexibleEdge: FlexibleEdge, edgeOffset: Double)
The RoundedTrapezoid cannot be obtuse, unless the cornerRadius = 0.
Trapezoid is like the RoundedTrapezoid, except that the cornerRadius is always set to 0 and can be obtuse in shape.
Trapezoid Shapes
This package adds RoundedTrapezoid and Trapezoid shapes to SwiftUI.
RoundedTrapezoids have the following properties:
RoundedTrapezoids can be initialized in the following ways:
The RoundedTrapezoid cannot be obtuse, unless the cornerRadius = 0.
Trapezoid is like the RoundedTrapezoid, except that the cornerRadius is always set to 0 and can be obtuse in shape.