

SE0288_IsPower is a standalone library that implements the Swift Evolution proposal SE-0288: Adding isPower(of:) to BinaryInteger. You can use this package independently, or as part of the standard library preview package.


This package adds a public API isPower(of:), as an extension method, to the BinaryInteger protocol. It checks if an integer is a power of another. That is, a.isPower(of: b) checks whether there exists any integer n such that a == pow(b, n) is true.

import SE0288_IsPower

let x: Int = Int.random(in: 0000..<0288)
1.isPower(of: x)      // 'true' since x^0 == 1

let y: UInt = 1000
y.isPower(of: 10)     // 'true' since 10^3 == 1000

(-1).isPower(of: 1)   // 'false'

(-32).isPower(of: -2) // 'true' since (-2)^5 == -32


You can add this library as a dependency to any Swift package. Add this line to the dependencies parameter in your Package.swift file:

.package(url: "https://github.com/apple/swift-se0288-is-power", from: "2.0.0"),

Next, add the module as a dependency for your targets that will use the library:

.product(name: "SE0288_IsPower", package: "swift-se0288-is-power"),

You can now use import SE0288_IsPower to make the library available in any Swift file.


Contributions to this package and the standard library preview package are welcomed and encouraged!

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