This is server side swift running via OpenWhisk Serverless functions. The source code at the time of blogging also includes a Vapor wrapper around the logic so it could be deployed in a more traditional fashion. I’ve cleaned up the heirarchy in the meantime to focus on keeping the code as in touch with what’s actually live right now.
This site is offline and the database was merged with
Swift Package Directory
Code for
The current design is quite experimental and justification pairs with this blog entry
Note on the blog entry code
Original code at the time of this blog entry is here:
This is server side swift running via OpenWhisk Serverless functions. The source code at the time of blogging also includes a Vapor wrapper around the logic so it could be deployed in a more traditional fashion. I’ve cleaned up the heirarchy in the meantime to focus on keeping the code as in touch with what’s actually live right now.