fix readme
swift-music is a swift package that provides an easy-to-use API for music related developments.
Currently available module:
import MusicTheory
Note.D - Note.E // Interval.m7
// Create with notes contained. let Esus4 = Chord(.E, notes: [.E, .A, .B]) // Create with root and quality. let Abm = Chord(.A_flat, .minorTriad)
Scale(.B, .major).triad(degree: 6) // G#m
File - Add Packages -
Inside Package.swift, add the followings:
dependencies: [ .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0")) ]
targets: [ .target( name: "YourTarget", dependencies: [.product(name: "MusicTheory", package: "swift-music")] ) ]
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🎼 swift-music
swift-music is a swift package that provides an easy-to-use API for music related developments.
Currently available module:
Interval Arithmetic
Create a Chord
Get triad in a scale
Other API
Xcode Project
File - Add Packages -
Swift Package Manager
Inside Package.swift, add the followings:
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