LoggingFormatAndPipe provides a Swift Logging API Handler which allows you to customized both your log messages’ formats as well as their destinations.
If you don’t like the default log format change it to one you would like. If you want one destination to be formatted differently than your other destination you can with ease. Or send the same format to multiple destinations!
Installation | Getting Started | Documentation
To use the LoggingFormatAndPipe library in your project add the following in your Package.swift
.package(url: "https://github.com/adorkable/swift-log-format-and-pipe.git", .from("0.1.2")),
Getting Started
expects both a Formatter
and a Pipe
let logger = Logger(label: "example") { _ in
return LoggingFormatAndPipe.Handler(
formatter: ...,
pipe: ...
let logger = Logger(label: "example") { _ in
return LoggingFormatAndPipe.Handler(
formatter: BasicFormatter.adorkable,
pipe: LoggerTextOutputStreamPipe.standardOutput
There are a number of ways of customizing the format but are generally composed of a combination of LogComponents
- Timestamp of log
- Log level
- The actual message
- Log metadata
- The log’s originating file
- The log’s originating line number in the file
- The log’s originating function
- Static text
- Formatters may separate specified LogComponents
in various ways as per their format, .group
tells the Formatter to combine the LogComponents
without using its separation
allows you to specify a sequence of LogComponents
and a separator string and automatically processes them into a single line for each new log message.
It includes already setup static instances:
- apple/swift-log format
{timestamp} {level}: {message}
2019-07-30T13:49:07-0400 error: Test error message
- Adorkable’s standard format 😘
{timestamp} ▶ {level} ▶ {file}:{line} ▶ {function} ▶ {message} ▶ {metadata}
2019-07-30T13:49:07-0400 ▶ error ▶ /asdf/swift-log-format-and-pipe/Tests/LoggingFormatAndPipeTests/FormatterTests.swift:25 ▶ testFormatter(_:) ▶ Test error message
If none of these work you can customize your own instance!
Suppose you want a special short log format with a timestamp, the level, the file it originated in, and the message itself:
let myFormat = BasicFormatter(
To change the separator from a single space specify the separator parameter:
let myFormat = BasicFormatter(
separator: "|"
Note that BasicFormatter
will not add an empty string and separator for a nil
To change the timestamp from the default:
let myDateFormat = DateFormatter()
myDateFormat.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZZZZ"
let myFormat = BasicFormatter(
timestampFormatter: myDateFormat
You can also create your own Formatter
conforming object by implementing:
var timestampFormatter: DateFormatter { get }
- `func processLog(level: Logger.Level,
message: Logger.Message,
prettyMetadata: String?,
file: String, function: String, line: UInt) -> String`
More formatters to come!
Pipes specify where your formatted log lines end up going to. Included already are:
- log lines to stdout
- log lines to stderr
More pipes to come!
Implementing Pipe
You can also create your own Pipe
conforming object by implementing:
func handle(_ formattedLogLine: String)
Now you’ve got your use-case formatted log lines traveling this way and then, what a charm 🖤
API Documentation
For more insight into the library API documentation is found in the repo here
LoggingFormatAndPipe provides a Swift Logging API Handler which allows you to customized both your log messages’ formats as well as their destinations.
If you don’t like the default log format change it to one you would like. If you want one destination to be formatted differently than your other destination you can with ease. Or send the same format to multiple destinations!
Installation | Getting Started | Documentation
To use the LoggingFormatAndPipe library in your project add the following in your
:Getting Started
expects both aFormatter
and aPipe
There are a number of ways of customizing the format but are generally composed of a combination of
- Timestamp of log.level
- Log level.message
- The actual message.metadata
- Log metadata.file
- The log’s originating file.line
- The log’s originating line number in the file.function
- The log’s originating function.text(String)
- Static text.group([LogComponents])
- Formatters may separate specifiedLogComponents
in various ways as per their format,.group
tells the Formatter to combine theLogComponents
without using its separationBasicFormatter
allows you to specify a sequence ofLogComponents
and a separator string and automatically processes them into a single line for each new log message.It includes already setup static instances:
- apple/swift-log format{timestamp} {level}: {message}
2019-07-30T13:49:07-0400 error: Test error message
- Adorkable’s standard format 😘{timestamp} ▶ {level} ▶ {file}:{line} ▶ {function} ▶ {message} ▶ {metadata}
2019-07-30T13:49:07-0400 ▶ error ▶ /asdf/swift-log-format-and-pipe/Tests/LoggingFormatAndPipeTests/FormatterTests.swift:25 ▶ testFormatter(_:) ▶ Test error message
Customizing a BasicFormatter
If none of these work you can customize your own instance!
Suppose you want a special short log format with a timestamp, the level, the file it originated in, and the message itself:
To change the separator from a single space specify the separator parameter:
Note that
will not add an empty string and separator for anil
metadata.To change the timestamp from the default:
Implementing Formatter
You can also create your own
conforming object by implementing:var timestampFormatter: DateFormatter { get }
More formatters to come!
Pipes specify where your formatted log lines end up going to. Included already are:
- log lines tostdout
- log lines tostderr
More pipes to come!
Implementing Pipe
You can also create your own
conforming object by implementing:func handle(_ formattedLogLine: String)
Now you’ve got your use-case formatted log lines traveling this way and then, what a charm 🖤
API Documentation
For more insight into the library API documentation is found in the repo here